May 2023

Final Fantasy 16: First Four Hours Preview

1 year 1 month ago

Final Fantasy 16 opens with a bang. Two swirling Eikons – colossal beasts that series fans will know better as Summons – pepper each other with fireballs and lash out with their hefty tails as they descend deep under the earth in a scene reminiscent of Gandalf’s plunging tussle with the Balrog. It’s a level of spectacle rarely witnessed in a video game and an early indicator of the huge-scale story awaiting those venturing into Square Enix’s latest.

Having played the following four or so hours, it’s a promise largely lived up to, with razor-sharp combat and thrilling boss battles consistently exciting. But beyond the blade it also engages through its thoroughly fantasy-rooted tale, establishing the world of Valisthea, its factions, and individual personalities to good effect. It makes for an electrifying opening which, despite being a little cutscene heavy at times, made me wish I didn’t have to stop playing.

The opening section that I played is described by Square Enix as “a special version made for media to experience, and contents may differ from the final version.” But regardless of if the events presented are identical to the final game or not, don’t worry; I won’t be spoiling any story details for Final Fantasy 16, just discussing some of the themes at play and the stage they set.

Simon Cardy


How Final Fantasy XVI’s Item Text Was Inspired by FromSoftware Games Like Dark Souls

1 year 1 month ago

In Final Fantasy XVI, the flavor text for items in your inventory don’t just tell you what that item does, but also where it comes from, and/or how it is used by the people of Valisthea. This expanded description of each item was inspired by FromSoftware games like Dark Souls, among others.

These pieces of item text were written by Localization Director Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, which means the text originates in English – which is rare for the long-running Japanese RPG franchise.

“At that point, we had finished the script, and I had a little bit of extra time,” Fox explains to IGN during an exclusive interview at Square Enix’s Tokyo office. “The lore team was busy doing all of this other stuff, so I was asked to write the item text.”

While writing the item text, Fox says he was inspired by FromSoftware’s games, as well as Magic: The Gathering cards.

“I have been a big FromSoftware fan since Demon’s Souls, and I’ve obviously played games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring as well,” says Fox. “In their games, the item text is displayed on loading screens, so I’d read those and think, ‘Yeah this is cool!’ That and also Magic: The Gathering cards, on which you don’t only have an explanation of what the card does but also that flavor text which is usually some quote from this mysterious magician that lived a thousand years ago or a little bit of the history of the game.”

Fox wanted to have the same feel for the item text in Final Fantasy XVI, allowing the player to learn more about the game’s setting and lore.

“I didn’t want it to be like, Copper sword: A sword that was made of copper,’” he explains. “I wanted to answer questions like, ‘Where is it being used?’ ‘Where is that copper coming from in the realm?’ to give a bit more background story.

Taylor Lyles


How Final Fantasy XVI’s Developers Excluded Mini-games to Maximize Immersion

1 year 1 month ago

With the exception of a series of special battle challenges, Final Fantasy XVI does not have any mini-games in the traditional sense of the word. That means no fishing, farming, gambling or participating in a fictional sport like Final Fantasy X’s Blitzball.

The reason behind this is that such activities did not match the vision director Hiroshi Takai had for the 35-year-old series’ latest installment. He wants the player to become one with main protagonist Clive Rosfield, avoiding anything that would detract from that aim.

In the beginning of Final Fantasy XVI’s story, Clive’s younger brother Joshua is killed right in front of his eyes. Clive – who had devoted his life to the art of swordsmanship in order to protect Joshua – has failed his most important duty, and loses his dearest friend. After this event, Clive’s mere purpose of living becomes revenge.

“I just can’t imagine that a protagonist bearing such a harsh fate and someone who feels like he has lost his humanity would want to play a puzzle game that doesn’t match his goals, or relax and go fishing,” Takai tells IGN, in an exclusive interview at Square Enix’s Tokyo office.

“Of course, you can put activities like that in the game and leave it up to the player whether or not to engage in them – that’s certainly a way of approaching things,” says Takai. “But for us, the most important thing was to depict Clive’s way of living. Adding unnecessary elements for the sake of variety didn’t seem the right thing to do, so we refrained from implementing activities that Clive probably wouldn’t be mentally willing to engage in as much as possible.”

Final Fantasy XVI does include a wide array of side quests, but even these are not always available for the player to accept.

Taylor Lyles


Final Fantasy XVI’s Story was inspired by Dragon Quest V

1 year 1 month ago

The first three hours of Final Fantasy XVI made me feel emotionally involved in the eventful life of protagonist Clive. In the beginning of the game, the player experiences Clive’s past through a lengthy playable flashback. Clive’s younger brother Joshua, a girl named Jill, and wolf puppy named Torgal each make appearances during this early part of the game.

As previous trailers have shown, during this period in the young Clive’s life, Joshua is killed in front of his eyes, prompting Clive to devote the rest of his life to revenge. He is also separated from Jill and Torgal.

What happens to Clive after the death of Joshua and how he reunites with Jill and Torgal are best experienced when you play the game for yourself, so I won’t go into further detail, but let’s just say that it all reminded me of classic RPG Dragon Quest V.

Regarded as one of the best RPGs of all time – especially in Japan – Dragon Quest V is remembered for its emotional scenario. You start the game as a 6-year-old boy who is introduced to his childhood friend Bianca, and they save a Saber cat together. Then, the protagonist loses someone very dear to him and is separated from Bianca and the Saber cat, only to reunite with them seven years later.

I asked the development team about this similarity during an exclusive interview at Square Enix’s Tokyo office.

“Yes, I think I may have been influenced by it in some way,” Creative Director and Scenario Writer Kazutoyo Maehiro admits with a chuckle.

Taylor Lyles


Chocobos are Called 'Horses' in the Japanese Version of Final Fantasy XVI

1 year 1 month ago

Chocobos might be the single most iconic element of the 35-year-old Final Fantasy franchise. Don’t worry, the cute bird-like critters will be in Final Fantasy XVI too — and you can mount them.

During my playthrough of the first three hours of the game, however, I noticed something unusual. In the Japanese version, the game characters refer to Chocobo as “uma,” the Japanese word for “horse.” This is a first for the series, and it struck me as a surprise. So, I asked the development team at Square Enix about it.

“Initially, neither I nor the director (Hiroshi) Takai were thinking about including Chocobo as steeds in the game,” says Kazutoyo Maehiro, Creative Director and Scenario Writer on FFXVI, adding, “When thinking about the story, the worldview, and a feeling of reality, a horse just looks better as a silhouette when straddled.”

“When you’re building a world based on European medieval gothic fantasy, horses are obviously much better documented,” adds Producer Naoki Yoshida.

“In reality, horses are animals that can build strong partnerships with humans,” continues Yoshida. “We share a long history with them. Weapons involving horses also appear more realistic. Especially with the improvement in graphics being so remarkable, there is a chance that it becomes difficult to lie or deceive viewers, in a good way, and as a result, may impair the sense of immersion. Chocobos are based on birds, which first of all means they don’t stand on four legs, and that makes them more difficult to mount. When compared with a horse it might not feel as stable to ride a chocobo, and their wings aren’t big and strong enough to take you to the sky, either.”

Taylor Lyles


Testament: The Order of High Human, a First-Person Metroidvania, Announced for PC and Consoles

1 year 1 month ago

Developer Fairyship Games has announced a new PC and console game called Testament: The Order of High Human, an upcoming first-person Metroidvania action-adventure/RPG set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. It has no announced release window as of yet.

Players suit up as the guardian of the realm, a man named Aran, who is also the king of High humans in the land of Tessara. A betrayal by his brother Arva has left Aran stripped of his powers and the land plagued by monsters. Check out the debut trailer for Testament above, and the first screenshots in the gallery below.

Testament promises to offer 15 unique magic abilities, a bow with four different types of arrows, an XP and upgrade system, sword combat, 15 different potions with varying effects, 40+ quests between sidequests and the main story, a non-linear narrative, and more.

You can wishlist Testament on Steam if you're interested.

Ryan McCaffrey is IGN's executive editor of previews and host of both IGN's weekly Xbox show, Podcast Unlocked, as well as our monthly(-ish) interview show, IGN Unfiltered. He's a North Jersey guy, so it's "Taylor ham," not "pork roll." Debate it with him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan.

Ryan McCaffrey


Natalie Portman Is Up for Returning to Star Wars as Padmé

1 year 1 month ago

Star Wars prequel trilogy star Natalie Portman is up for returning to Star Wars as Padmé Amidala if Lucasfilm asked her to.

Responding to fan questions for GQ's Actually Me series, Portman replied to a Reddit post that asked if the character could ever return. "I have no information on this," she said. "No one's ever asked me to return, but I'm open to it."

Though her character's main story was completed in Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, the potential return of Padmé would follow in the footsteps of co-stars Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor, who played Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi respectively.

The following paragraphs feature mild spoilers for the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series.

Both actors returned in the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, reprising their prequel trilogy roles 17 years after their previous appearances in Revenge of the Sith. Episode 1: The Phantom Menace star Liam Neeson also returned as Qui-Gon Jinn in the series.

Padmé's story has also continued in other Star Wars media, such as a trilogy of young adult novels and in the Clone Wars TV show.

Portman also mentioned during the video that she stole one of Anakin's padawan braid's from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (and proceeded to lose it), and she confirmed that Taika Waititi forgot she'd already starred in the franchise when he asked if she'd be up for doing a Star Wars film.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Ryan Dinsdale


Final Fantasy XVI Demo Save Carries Over to Full Game

1 year 1 month ago

Final Fantasy XVI Demo Save Carries Over to Full Game a

In the PlayStation Blog discussion of the Final Fantasy XVI hands-on session, it came up that the demo save data will carry over to the full game. Senior Specialist, Content Communications Gillen McAllister brought it up while discussing the features of Square Enix's upcoming RPG. However, the announcement only told us that detail and didn't reveal when this trial will appear. It only noted the Final Fantasy XVI demo "drops ahead of the full game’s launch." Previously, Producer Naoki Yoshida noted in an interview that we could expect the trial to appear about two weeks before the game launches.

The reveal did tease what this initial Final Fantasy XVI demo will entail. It will look at early moments from Clive's life. Part of this segment also came up during general preview sessions. This means we'll see Clive when he's younger and potentially serving as a First Shield of Rosaria to protect his brother Joshua.

Jenni Lada


Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection Gameplay Video Shows How to Use Its Features

1 year 1 month ago

Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection Gameplay Video Shows How to Use New Features

Atlus shared a new Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection gameplay video, with this one basically attempting to set potential players up for success. It not only goes over existing features and tips, but also points out some of the new additions or updates present in all three games.

The video begins by showing the difficulty options. Picnic, Basic, and Expert all appear when you start the game. Picnic is specifically cited and noted to be the easiest one for people who want to focus on the installments’ stories. After that, it shows the enhanced 2D character designs and UI and 3D dungeons. From there, it shows how to create a guild and get additional quests from the local restaurant, bar, or bistro. Dungeon exploration comes up after that, though the video did cite how we can build a party of any kinds of characters we’d like. From there, the new automap option shows how it fills in floors and walls. It wraps up by showing FOEs and stronger enemies, as well as facing them by ensuring characters learn skills after leveling up.

Jenni Lada


Preview: Final Fantasy XVI Has an Interesting Foundation

1 year 1 month ago

Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy is a hallmark series within the gaming sphere, solidified as one of the longest-running RPG franchises in history. Final Fantasy XVI is the next entry that attempts to create a new tone. While its predecessor Final Fantasy XV did have a heavy action-focused combat system, FFXVI attempts to take this up a notch with a more varied combo system that is easy enough for those unsure about the gameplay to pick up. But more importantly, will Creative Business Unit 3 create a narrative as engrossing as its predecessors, allowing Final Fantasy XVI to truly stand on its own legs?

Kazuma Hashimoto


Bocchi the Rock Recap Movie Will Come Out in 2024

1 year 1 month ago

bocchi the rock movie

Aniplex announced that a movie adaptation of Bocchi the Rock will appear in theaters in Japan some time in Spring 2024. Though there aren’t many details about the movie, it appears to be a compilation film. That means that it will retread episodes and events that the show has covered. We don't have a worldwide release date for it yet. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]

[gallery columns="1" ids="964348" link="file"]

Even if the movie is a recap film, there might still be some new content for fans who watched the show. For example, it might have new songs or scenes. Kerorira, who is the character designer and chief animation director, was the one who drew the key visual for the Bocchi the Rock film. It features the titular Bocchi along with the other members of Kessoku Band.

The announcement trailer for the Bocchi the Rock movie sounds like a normal preview for the next episode. But the girls aren’t in unison so they decide to try again. Afterwards, they announce the compilation movie.

Stephanie Liu


DF Weekly: RTX 4060 Ti spec reveal re-ignites the 8GB VRAM debate

1 year 1 month ago

2023 continues to be something of a Bad Year for PC gaming, with Alex recently returning to Jedi Survivor to see if the game's long-standing shader compilation stutters have been fixed and performance has been improved. That's the first news topic on this week's DF Direct show, with Alex concluding that while frame-rates have climbed ever higher after subsequent patches, the core stutter issue has not been solved - and that hitching detracts from the Metroidvania-esque joy of discovering new areas. It's a shame then, but a topic that we've covered before in some detail - so the focus of this blog will be on another PC gaming topic covered by Alex, John and Rich in this week's episode: the recent RTX 4060 and 4060 Ti announcement.

In short, it's clear from the response to our article announcing the cards and similar discussions elsewhere that a lot of people are a bit annoyed by what Nvidia revealed. It's great to see a 3060 Ti successor, given that card's price/performance ratio in the last generation, and it's nice to have a 16GB version of the card... but with that 16GB model coming two months after the vanilla 8GB card and costing $100 more, it feels like neither offers a brilliant value proposition.

Will Judd


Uncharted's Tati Gabrielle set to play Jade in Mortal Kombat 2 film

1 year 1 month ago

Actress Tati Gabrielle is set to play the iconic Jade in New Line's forthcoming film Mortal Kombat 2.

Gabrielle is known for playing Jo Braddock in Sony's Uncharted film, opposite Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. She's also had starring roles in Netflix's The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and You.

Now, she'll play Jade - an assassin who is friend and bodyguard to Princess Kitana - reports The Hollywood Reporter.

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Ed Nightingale


Why Final Fantasy 16 Is A PlayStation 5 Exclusive

1 year 1 month ago

final fantasy 16 game informer ps5 exclusive coverage

Final Fantasy XVI was surprise revealed in 2020 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, and Square Enix and PlayStation have remained closely aligned throughout its showings since then. Be it State of Plays, PlayStation Showcases, or even PlayStation Blogs, it’s clear Final Fantasy XVI is a big release for Sony. 

During my cover story trip to Square Enix’s Tokyo, Japan, offices, I asked producer Naoki Yoshida how developer Creative Business Unit III feels about the game’s PS5 exclusivity and what that does for the studio in terms of development. He says it’s important to distinguish that CBUIII doesn’t go into game development thinking it wants to limit a game to just one platform or company. When the team started development on FFXVI, the studio “looked at all options,” Yoshida says. 

Wesley LeBlanc

AEW: Fight Forever Launches Next Month

1 year 1 month ago

THQ Nordic and Yuke's Media Creations have announced that AEW: Fight Forever, the officially licensed All Elite Wrestling game, will be available on June 29 for PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Announced in a new trailer (above), the long awaited wrestling game finally got its release date after being revealed two and a half years ago.

AEW wrestler and executive vice president Kenny Omega took centre stage in the trailer to announce the June 29 date and that pre-loading is now available. "Thank you so much for your patience and being awesome fans," he added.

AEW: Fight Forever promises to bring easy to pick up but difficult to master arcade wrestling gameplay alongside a full campaign mode, multiplayer, create-a-wrestler, and "various other unusual modes".

Confusion around its release date occurred earlier this year when Omega said the game was finished but in limbo due to an ESRB rating, though THQ Nordic senior community manager Per Hollenbro later said that this wasn't the case. Thankfully for fans, however, this has now been resolved and the game is launching in just over a month.

In our preview of the game, IGN said: "[Our] impression of AEW Fight Forever is that it is exactly what it looks like: A throwback to what many view as the Golden Age of wrestling games."

Ryan Dinsdale


New Phase Connect VTubers Are Ember Amane, Dizzy Dokuro, and Jelly Hoshiumi

1 year 1 month ago

New Phase Connect VTubers Are Ember Amane, Dizzy Dokuro, and Jelly Hoshiumi

Phase Connect announced its next three VTubers. Ember Amane, Dizzy Dokuro, and Jelly Hoshiumi will be a part of the Phase Invaders. The premise behind them is that all of them are from “another universe.” A teaser trailer appeared offering a chance for people to hear the voice actresses and see the models’ designs. All three performers’ debut streams will be held one after another on May 27, 2023.

First, here’s the teaser trailer showing all three Phase Connect Phase Invader VTuber introductions:

Next, here’s the official schedule for each of the three characters.

Jenni Lada


Detective Conan Shirts Appear at Uniqlo

1 year 1 month ago

Case Closed Detective Conan Shirts Appear at Uniqlo

Uniqlo announced its next line of anime shirts involves the series Detective Conan, known outside Japan as Case Closed in some regions. There are seven different unisex styles available. There’s also a special site designed to highlight each design. That page also shows characters from the series "modeling" the clothing.

Each of the seven shirts costs $24.90. They are available in sizes XXS through XXXL. Only one features a design on the front and back, and that features Shinichi Kudo’s knight hat on the front and Ran Mori with him above the words “Romantic Shuffle” on the back. The others feature characters like Conan Edogawa, Ai Haibara, Bourbon, and Shuichi Akai, as well as imagery from the series.

Here's a closer look at the Detective Conan shirts at Uniqlo starring the Case Closed characters:
[gallery columns="4" size="full" ids="964372,964373,964374,964375,964379,964376,964377,964378" link="file"]

Jenni Lada


Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard approved in China

1 year 1 month ago

China has approved Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

As first reported by SeekingAlpha, China is the latest regulatory body to give its approval to Microsoft, as part of the company's ongoing bid to purchase the Call of Duty and Overwatch maker.

China follows the likes of Brazil and, more recently, the European Commission.

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Victoria Kennedy


The Final Fantasy 16 Digital Issue Is Now Live

1 year 1 month ago

If you subscribe to the digital edition of Game Informer, you can now learn all about Final Fantasy XVI. Following the cover reveal, our digital issue is now live to subscribers on web browsers, iPad/iPhone, and Android devices. Individual issues will be available for purchase soon.

You can download the apps to view the issue by following this link. All of these digital options are included in a PowerUp Rewards Membership.

Kyle Hilliard

Valhalla Is Calling in IGG’s New Viking Simulation Viking Rise!

1 year 1 month ago

On April 14th, developer I Got Games launched their first-ever Viking-themed simulation game, Viking Rise. With this title, studio IGG seeks to fill a unique gap they believe is missing in the mobile simulation gaming market. They've secured Korean star Ma Dong-seok as their official spokesman in Korea. They’ve also teamed up with two-time Emmy Award-winning composer Trevor Morris, who fans may recognize for his work on the hit TV series Vikings.

Viking Rise is an online multiplayer, real-time strategy game with free construction elements inspired by Viking culture and Norse mythology. The game utilizes 3D modeling and new graphic rendering techniques to combine lifelike characters with more stylized backdrops, creating a contrasting aesthetic that adds to the game’s visual style. Fans of shows like Vikings, movies like The Northman, and real-time strategy simulation games like the Civilization series will feel right at home as they fulfill their Nordic fantasy.

A Life Worthy of a Viking

Players will take on the role of a Jarl, a Viking leader in command of a tribe trying to find their place in the new world of Midgard. With the help of advisers, players can explore, hunt, loot, and fight to achieve success. The new world of Midgard offers the opportunity for fame, power, and riches, along with danger and threats from both the physical and mystic worlds. Players must conquer land and sea, with Naval Combat significantly impacting how your Viking can approach and overtake competitors. Players will helm a “Drakkar Ship” that facilitates travel across the circular, winding water routes.

jon Burgess


Miles Morales Swings Into Fortnite to Celebrate Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

1 year 1 month ago

To celebrate the upcoming release of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales will be swinging into Fortnite on May 23.

Epic Games shared a short video announcing the update on Fortnite's official Twitter account. The teaser shows Morales' Spider-Man bursting through a skyscraper and swinging out of sight. Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 then steps forward and peers out of the smashed window.

The two new character skins will arrive in Fortnite with the next update. They will be available to purchase from the in-game item store, giving players a chance to pick them up and swing into action before the hotly anticipated Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse arrives in theaters.

Adele Ankers-Range


Super Smash Bros. Creator Masahiro Sakurai Doesn't Love the Game's Online Mode

1 year 1 month ago

Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai doesn’t feel like the franchise he helped create is a good fit for online play.

In Sakurai’s latest video on creating video games, he spoke on the topic of Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Nintendo Wii and how it was the first game in the franchise to implement online play.

“I don't think online play and Smash Bros. are a very good fit for each other," explained Sakurai. "One of the best parts of Smash Bros. is how players can become champions among their friends. But being subjected to online competition can cause people to lose confidence, which isn't great.”

He also noted about how the game had to use full synchronous communication, where input timing is synchronized among all players in every frame. In comparison, games like Mario Kart used asynchronous communication. Having to use synchronous communication in Brawl limited players to facing off against others close to them for the best possible experience.

This meant that playing online worked the best by not only players sticking with their own countries, but also their local region. Additionally, the network lag made for a choppy experience overall.

Sakurai went on to discuss the game’s single-player mode, Subspace Emissary. Initially, this part of the game was supposed to be outsourced to an external studio to develop. However, he explained that they couldn’t find the right contractor to take on the project and decided instead to keep the project in-house within Nintendo.

George Yang


How to Watch Warhammer Skulls' 2023 Announcement Showcase

1 year 1 month ago

Calling all Warhammer fans! Actor and Warhammer aficionado Rahul Kohli will host 2023's Warhammer Skulls event on May 25. This will be Games Workshop's seventh Warhammer Skulls celebration, and as always, fans can look forward to world premieres, reveals, and tons more.

Warhammer Skulls 2023 Announcement Showcase Start Time

This year's Warhammer Skulls announcement showcase kicks off on May 25 at 5 p.m. BST / 9 a.m. PST. That's 12 p.m. EST for east coast folks, and May 26 at 2 a.m. AEST for Australians. (Brew that coffee extra strong.)

Where to Watch Warhammer Skulls' 2023 Announcement Showcase

If you're game for watching the Warhammer Skulls festivities, be assured IGN will make tuning in a breeze. You can catch the stream on any of these links: (Our homepage)

IGN's Facebook Channel

IGN's Twitter

IGN's Twitch Channel

IGN's YouTube Channel

What to Expect From Warhammer Skulls 2023

jon Burgess


Fortnite Miles Morales and Spiderman 2099 Across the Spiderverse Skins Shown

1 year 1 month ago

Fortnite adds Across the Spiderverse skins

Epic Games revealed two new Fortnite skins related to Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse. As part of its upcoming crossover, Miles Morales and Miguel O’Hara (aka Spider-Man 2099) will appear. These new skins join a series of appearances available based on the iconic web-slinger. In addition, there will be an in-game event commemorating the movie’s release.

Check out the video announcement for the new Across the Spiderverse skins in Fortnite below:

The teaser shows Miles jumping out of a building, with Miguel shortly appearing after him. It seems he's apparently pursuing him. This follows the Across the Spiderverse movie storyline, where Miles seems to be escaping from all the other heroes from different realities. More information about these in-game skins will be revealed at a later date.

It’s worth noting that Fortnite is currently running the Web Battles event, during which where players fight in teams on behalf of Miles or Miguel. Depending on which team earns the most points, players will receive either Miguel’s glare emoticon or Miles’ shocked emoticon. When we log into the game, we can also claim the Spidey 2099 logo spray. Players also get a Spider-Ham’s mallet pickaxe if their team reaches 40 points at the end of the event.

Frank Reyes


A Pac-Man Arcade Machine Lego Set Is Coming Soon

1 year 1 month ago

Pac-Man Arcade Cabinet Lego

Lego and Bandai Namco are collaborating on an arcade cabinet set. The Lego Icons Pac-Man Arcade Set will release on June 1, 2023 and be available through Lego’s website and physical Lego stores for $269.99/€269.99/£229.99.

The Lego set will be based on the screen and controls of the classic 1980 Pac-Man arcade cabinet. The set also includes reproductions of Pac-Man, Blinky, and Clyde, which sit on top of the cabinet. They can flip from their normal versions, to a scene where Pac-Man is able to eat both ghosts. Once complete, the coin slot can light up. The cabinet also contains a hidden vignette of a Lego minifigure playing Pac-Man at an arcade cabinet.

When talking about the collaboration, both Lego and Bandai Namco expressed similarities between the two companies. Sven Franic, a designer for the set, stated that both companies share a love of bringing fun to people through their products. Meanwhile Aadil Tayouga, Director of Licensing and Business Strategy at Bandai Namco Europe, said that Pac-Man’s yellow color had been inspired by Lego, giving this set a natural connection.

This is the latest of Lego’s many collaborations with video game companies. Previously, they have released Lego sets based on Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog, console sets based on the NES and Atari 2600, and a Tallneck from Horizon Forbidden West.

The Lego Icons Pac-Man Arcade set will release on June 1, 2023.

Leigh Price


FFXVI Video Shows Jill Holding Torgal as a Puppy

1 year 1 month ago

FFXVI Video Shows Jill Holding Torgal as a Puppy

Square Enix yet again shared a brief gameplay clip to highlight certain FFXVI characters in-game, with the latest looking at Jill Warrick and Torgal. We already know Clive Rosfield knows both from when he was young. Here, we get to see how familiar the two characters also are with each other. In the clip, Jill is hugging and cuddling Torgal.

The clip features both characters when they were young. This is at the point in the story when Clive was likely preparing to be the First Shield of Rosaria for Joshua. Because Jill grew up with the family as a political hostage, she was raised alongside Clive, Joshua, and Torgal.

As a reminder, we already know both Jill and Torgal will appear alongside Clive during multiple parts of his journey in FFXVI. Torgal can both attack enemies and heal Clive. Meanwhile, as noted in the preview sessions, Jill can use icy attacks due to being the Dominant of Shiva and can also heal Clive when the two are traveling together.

Jenni Lada


2 Street Fighter 6 Videos Show How to Play as Dhalsim and E. Honda

1 year 1 month ago

2 Street Fighter 6 Videos Show How to Play as Dhalsim and E. Honda

Capcom continued its "How to Play" Street Fighter 6 video series with Dhalsim and E. Honda. Both are returning characters who have been a part of the series essentially since the beginning. Each brief trailer highlighted their general style, as well as called attention to one especially useful attack.

First, here’s the Street Fighter 6 video focusing on how to play as Dhalsim. It shows the extended reach for his attacks, allowing us to force opposing players to stay away. However, after that it shows how we can teleport in closer. The specific move highlighted in the segment is his Yoga Arch, which is cited as a “spacing tool” to again give a player more room and control over the situation.

Next, here’s the “How to Play E. Honda” Street Fighter 6 video. It begins by referencing how strong the close-range character can be. It also noted that many of the attacks feature multiple hits or can chain together to apply pressure. Finally, it closes by focusing on the Sumo Dash attack to give him a quick burst of speed.

Jenni Lada


Get Logitech's perfect starter racing wheel and pedals for 50% off in the UK

1 year 1 month ago

Logitech's G920 and G29 wheel and pedals sets are my go-to recommendations for aspiring racing fans, offering a noticeable improvement in control and feedback over a gamepad while costing far less than more advanced direct drive alternatives from the likes of Fanatec. Today both models are discounted to £170, a healthy discount from their usual £240 price point and more than 50% off their UK RRP - nice.

The G920 is the Xbox-oriented model, meaning it works on PC plus Xbox Series and One consoles, while the G29 is for PC plus PS4 and PS5 - so choose what's most useful to you!

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Will Judd

Alan Wake 2 is "supposed to come out in October" apparently

1 year 1 month ago

Alan Wake 2 has yet to receive an official release date from developers Remedy Entertainment, but according to the voice actor playing its titular, torch-bearing thriller writer, we can apparently expect it to arrive sometime this October. So far, Remedy have only committed to a general 2023 release for Alan Wake 2, but voice actor Matthew Porretta told the Monsters, Madness And Magic podcast that it's "supposed to come out in October". That means it should be well clear of ye olde Starfield, but that "supposed to" also suggests the date isn't set in stone yet. Here's hoping we get a more formal date at this year's Summer Games Fest, perhaps.

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Katharine Castle

Screenshot Saturday Mondays: Neon nights and horrible squiggly beasts

1 year 1 month ago

Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter's #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday, I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. The difficulties of writing a column reliant upon a collapsing platform continue to be felt in a week when the #screenshotsaturday tag became overrun with spambots, but the games still shone through. This week, my eye was caught by colourful driving experiences in run 'n' guns and visual novels, multiple terrible squiggly beasts from horror games, a cute N64-style platformer, and lots more attractive and interesting indie games. Come see!

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Alice O'Connor

Former Battlefield creative director Lars Gustavsson unveils new studio TTK Games

1 year 1 month ago

Lars Gustavsson, former creative director on DICE's long-running Battlefield series, has unveiled his new studio TTK Games, which is currently developing an online shooter.

Gustavsson departed DICE last September after more than 20 years at the studio, having - as EA wrote in its announcement - "decided he is ready for a new adventure". Gustavsson offered no suggestion of what that new adventure might be at the time, but all has now been revealed.

Gustavsson's new studio, the Stockholm-based TTK Games, has been co-founded by four former members of DICE; Gustavsson will serve as CEO and creative director, while Daniel Berlin (previously lead world designer and design director on Battlefield) is senior design director. They're joined by chief technical officer and technical director Vidar Nygren (technical director on Battlefield), plus art director Peter Hoyles, who served as studio art director at DICE LA.

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Matt Wales


Ex-WWE dev Yuke's returns to wrestling with AEW: Fight Forever in June

1 year 1 month ago

Yuke's, the renowned Japanese developer responsible for nearly two decades of popular WWE games, marks its return to the wrestling genre next month, when AEW: Fight Forever launches fo Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC on 29th June.

Yuke's has been associated wrestling ever since its inception in 1995, and the studio's long association with WWE began in 2000, with the launch of WWF SmackDown. It continued to work on the WWE licence until 2018's WWE 2K19, when publisher 2K decided to hand the reins exclusively to the US-based Visual Concepts, which had co-developed the series with Yuke's since 2013. Unfortunately, Visual Concepts' solo debut proved so disastrous 2K made the unprecedented move of skipping the long-running series' annual release for two years in a row, only bringing it back in 2022.

So with WWE 2K temporarily out of commision, wrestling fans were quite intrigued when, in 2020, it was announced Yuke's would be returning to the genre with a game for WWE rival AEW, under the watch of publisher THQ Nordic. And we'll finally get a chance to see what the developer's been up when AEW: Fight Forever launches this June.

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Matt Wales


A Day One Patch For Final Fantasy 16 Is Not Currently Planned

1 year 1 month ago

game informer final Fantasy XVI 16 exclusive coverage day one patch

Since the PlayStation 3 generation, updates released on a game’s launch day, colloquially known as Day One patches or updates, have been the norm. Sometimes they’re small, squashing a few last-minute bugs, but other times, they’re massive and nigh essential to enjoying the adventure before you. 

However, Day One patches draw criticism from players excited to jump into the action, only to be left watching a download bar fill up. Some players with slower internet or limited access might be left waiting for hours, if not days, depending on download speeds. During my Final Fantasy XVI cover story trip, I asked the team about its March accomplishment of going gold and what the team was working on now. 

To my surprise, developer Creative Business Unit III isn’t working on a day one patch, a revelation that continues to become rarer with each new release in games. Director Hiroshi Takai gave me a few reasons as to why. 

Wesley LeBlanc

Should You Format Pascal in Honkai: Star Rail ‘Rarely Affectionate Part 2’

1 year 1 month ago

How to Complete Rarely Affectionate Part 2 in Honkai Star Rail

Clara’s “Rarely Affectionate Part 2” Companion Mission in Honkai: Star Rail is yet another that asks us, “How do you want to handle this?” This time, there’s a sentient robot at stake. Once you finally get to complete the quest, your actions will determine what happens to this NPC you met in the previous game and how you want to “help” them overcome a situation involving muddled data.

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How do you unlock “Rarely Affectionate Part 2” in Honkai: Star Rail?

Okay, so I’m not sure if my experience will apply to everyone. The original “Rarely Affectionate Part 1” quest appeared almost immediately after I finished the second Trial of the Equilibrium, hit Trailblaze Level 2, and finished the Trailblaze Mission “In the Sweltering Morning Sun.” However, I didn’t get a text from Clara to start “Rarely Affectionate Part 2” in Honkai: Star Rail until I’d already had the Trailblaze Mission “Sinners Misled, Credence Falsified” finished for a few days, finished the third Trial of the Equilibrium, and hit Trailblaze Level 41. So you may need to both finish all of the available Trailblaze Missions in 1.0 and finish “Trial of the Equilibrium: Part Three” first. However, it could just be that you need to finish "Sinners Misled, Credence Falsified," then wait until the new week begins to get the new text from Clara.

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Jenni Lada


Omocat X Hololive English 1st Concert Merchandise Features VTubers

1 year 1 month ago

Omocat x Hololive English 1st Concert Merchandise

Omocat revealed its new merchandise based on the Hololive English 1st Concert: Connect the World. People can get a themed hoodie and a tote bag. Both items will feature a special design including the VTubers around a constellations. Pre-orders are already available in the Omocat online store, and shipping will be divided into two different batches. Both items are available for pre-order. One option will ship before June 23, 2023, though that is a limited quantity batch. An unlimited round will also be available and ship in Q3 2023.

The hoodie will be available in sizes small to XXL for $80. There is also a 3XL option for $82. On the front, it features the concert name and a group of colored stars. Meanwhile, on the sleeves, it has a star representing each of the Hololive English members also with a corresponding icon. Finally, the backside features a design with images of all the current Hololive EN VTubers with the constellation.

In the case of the tote bag, it costs $30 and features the same VTuber design on one side. The concert’s logo on the other.

Frank Reyes
