
New Starfield Mod Makes Crafting Easier Than Ever

6 months 3 weeks ago

One of the most common complaints you’ll see about Starfield is how unwieldy the user interface can be. Crafting was one of the key areas in the game which was made more painful by this, but for PC players at least, that’s now a thing of the past thanks to a new mod that vastly improves the workbench experience in Bethesda’s latest RPG.

Arriving not long after Starfield‘s release, the StarUI mod proved an instant success with players who wanted a cleaner, more modern interface than the one which the game launched with. That initial mod, StarUI Inventory, improved the inventory menu. Later in September, another mod — StarUI HUD — made similar changes to the game’s heads up display, allowing for more detailed loot menus and the ability to recolor your HUD widgets such as the radar.

James Crosby


Wargroove 2 Review – Missing a Beat

6 months 3 weeks ago

Wargroove 2 on Nintendo Switch

Strategy games have not always been at the forefront of players’ minds. After all, when the original Wargroove was released in 2019, it was widely lauded for bringing back the turn-based tactical genre that had been missing for an extended period of time. Now, Wargroove 2 arrives in a market full of other strong competitors like the resurgent Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp and Fire Emblem Engage, building on its foundations and delivering a robust, solid experience that will keep fans happy albeit with some niggling issues.

Jake Su


15 Best Anime Like Black Clover if You’re Looking for Something Similar

6 months 3 weeks ago

A standout series of the Shonen genre, Black Clover is a perfect show for anyone who loves action and fantasy in equal measure. Through its imaginative world and quirky cast, it’ll draw you in and leave you eager to find out what next adventure it has in store. There are only so many episodes of the series to watch though, which is why we’ve compiled a list of 15 anime like Black Clover if you’re looking for something similar.

Keenan McCall


Starfield Player Gets Greeted By a Synchronized Alien Mating Dance

6 months 3 weeks ago

Bethesda games are known for strange bugs and glitches from time to time. While Starfield is certainly easily the least buggy game we’ve seen from the studio so far, it has its moments as well. Such as this one random alien dance that this Starfield player encountered upon landing on a new planet.

Reddit user u/Im_Actually_An_Alien (very apt name, by the way) posted a short clip on the forum, showing off a few bug aliens coming together to perform what can only be described as a beautiful, captivating native dance to welcome them to their planet. You can check out the video for yourself down below:

Zhiqing Wan


Starfield Player Creates the Wurst Possible Ship You Could Think Of

6 months 3 weeks ago

Cue the sausage puns, because this Starfield player has changed the game as far as in-game ship designs go. Reddit user u/Aromatic-Problem7500 has posted various ship designs since Starfield launched, including ones inspired by the Great Serpent itself and the cat from Stray, but this just might take the cake.

Aptly named The Frank, this is a ship that’s made to look like, well, a hotdog. I guess the pictures below speak for themselves.

Zhiqing Wan


Will Cyberpunk 2077 Get More DLC? Answered

6 months 3 weeks ago

Cyberpunk 2077 is having a massively successful comeback with the launch of the Phantom Liberty expansion. Even before this, CD Projekt Red was hard at work developing and releasing regular updates to the game—improving small things and adding tiny bits of content along the way to the recent 2.0 update that launched with Phantom Liberty. This success is well-earned and took an overwhelming amount of work to achieve, which has undoubtedly affected the possibility of more DLC for Cyberpunk 2077.

The 2.0 update finally shows what Cyberpunk 2077 is capable of, which certainly excites us about what CD Projekt Red plans to do in the future. Also, with many fans concluding their time with Phantom Liberty, it’s reasonable to wonder what’s next for the Cyberpunk franchise. Around the game’s initial launch, the studio released a roadmap for post-launch content, but much has changed in the time since. So, the answer to whether or not Cyberpunk 2077 will get more DLC is both sad and optimistic.

Eric Huels


Top 10 Weirdest Crossover Operators in CoD Warzone, Ranked

6 months 3 weeks ago

Call of Duty: Warzone‘s scattergun approach to crossovers has seen the battle royale feature operators based on famous figures in other media. While not as exhaustive as a game like Fortnite, which has crossed over with almost every media product under the sun, CoD: Warzone has quietly built itself a catalog of licensed operators and alternate skins since it was first released in 2020. From horror icons to hip-hop sensations and comic book supervillains to the eighth wonder of the world, here are the top 10 weirdest crossover operators in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Alex Johnson


Destiny 2’s Solar Subclasses Suffer from a Longstanding Restoration Bug

6 months 3 weeks ago

Starting in late May of 2022, the solar subclass rework dubbed “Solar 3.0” made its explosive debut, which expanded the solar subclasses with aspects and fragments that players could mix and match for that next level of customizable builds. Unfortunately, a minor restoration bug has kept some solar subclass users annoyed with no concrete fixes yet deployed. Come along as we detail how Destiny 2’s solar subclasses suffer from a longstanding restoration bug.

Before we break it down, it’s important to remember that some of the best solar builds revolve around keeping yourself healing at all times via the restoration buff. Typically, a solar subclass Guardian can gain six seconds of restoration through the solar healing grenade. Alternatively, the Ember of Resolve fragment grants cure and restoration on solar grenade final blows. However, one of the more popular methods of gaining restoration is generating Firesprites and picking them up for a stack of restoration.

Ali Taha


Detective Pikachu Returns Review – A Simple Sleuthing Saga

6 months 3 weeks ago

Detective Pikachu Returns on Nintendo Switch

The tiny Pokémon detective is back on the case with his human sidekick, Tim Goodman, in Detective Pikachu Returns. Despite being a sequel to the first Detective Pikachu adventure released on Nintendo 3DS in 2016, there doesn’t seem to be a need to have any prior knowledge of the franchise. Thankfully, for those players who haven’t delved particularly deeply into any Pokémon games, Detective Pikachu Returns can easily be a standalone title. The cute coffee-slurping private eye catches you up with what you might have missed previously, setting you up for the adventure to come.

As a general fan of both Pokémon and detective stories, I was excited to sink my teeth into this family-friendly adventure mystery. That excitement was short-lived, however, as it quickly became apparent that this is a game aimed less at everyone in the family and more at young children. If I were under the age of twelve, I would be more inclined to enjoy the simple gameplay, but that is not to say Detective Pikachu Returns is without its charms.

Rowan Jones


5 Best Weapons in the MW3 Beta (So Far)

6 months 3 weeks ago

With PlayStation players already hands-on with the MW3 Beta this week, they are the first to experience all the changes Activision has designed for fans. From movement to killstreaks, perks to maps, there is so much Modern Warfare 3 has done that sets it apart from its predecessor MW2.

A major difference is the addition of new weapons, giving players new opportunities to seek out the best and most effective strategy. Unsurprisingly, the meta has already started to form, with certain weapons drawing more popularity and success than others. Players are experimenting with different loadouts, perks, footwear, and gloves. It is still the early days of the new game, but some weapons are quickly rising above the rest. Whether or not your progress carries over to MW3’s release, it is always best practice to know what gun performs the best. So, with the question on everyone’s lips, let’s have a look at the 5 best weapons in the MW3 Beta so far.

Tyler Towers


10 Worst PS3 Games Everyone Loves to Hate

6 months 3 weeks ago

The PlayStation 3 was an interesting console for Sony. High on hubris from creating the best-selling console of all time with the PlayStation 2, Sony made a myriad of baffling decisions that caused the new system to have an unbelievably slow start. Still, there was untapped potential for it despite its complex architecture and early software drought; it just needed time. And with that time, the reception significantly improved, a steady stream of strong games arrived, and sales increased to the point where the PlayStation 3 even surpassed its main competition, the Xbox 360.

Fantastic as this may be, no console is ever perfect. While the PlayStation 3 had some phenomenal games and introduced the world to some iconic franchises, it also came with some weak titles. Here are 10 of the worst PlayStation 3 games that strike fear in the minds and hearts of gamers everywhere.

Matt Anderson


Will MW3 Beta Progress Carry Over to the Full Game?

6 months 3 weeks ago

The Modern Warfare 3 Beta is currently underway for PlayStation players and the rest of us will have our turn soon enough. A Beta is the perfect way for players to jump in and experience the game ahead of release. It benefits those who are on the fence about their purchase and allows players to physically experience the changes from one game to another. Betas even help the developer determine what works and what doesn’t.

Thanks to the Call of Duty Next event, players were already excited and aware of the upcoming changes they can experience in the MW3 Beta. You’ll be able to unlock weapons, killstreaks, and perks by leveling up. This progression has left players wondering whether their progress will carry over to the full game. So here’s the answer:

Tyler Towers


Top 15 Most Difficult Mounts to Get in Final Fantasy XIV

6 months 3 weeks ago

One of the biggest draws for the millions of Final Fantasy XIV players around the world is the avid, never-ending pursuit of mount rewards, which are not just for easier transportation around Eorzea. More than anything, they serve as visual medals of accomplishment or just good ol’ fashioned bragging rights. The game has literally hundreds to collect and choose from, the majority of them locked behind considerable challenges you first have to complete. Some are so difficult to obtain that only a select niche of players are able to flaunt them. If you’re wondering which ones fall into this type of category, here is our hand-picked list of the top 15 most difficult mounts to get in Final Fantasy XIV.

Stephanie Watel


The Fight Against the New Unity Fees Isn’t Over Yet

6 months 3 weeks ago

It’s always wild to see how quickly the news cycle can move us past industry changing events, and the Unity drama is a perfect example. 

Early last month, the prolific game engine developer revealed they were planning to charge developers using certain tiers of their game engine fees for any installations of games made using the engine that surpassed 1 million collective lifetime sales. This applied to games past and present, which could quickly spell trouble for any developers who managed to see a modicum of success with their releases.

Keenan McCall


Fans Speculate Some Big Dragon Ball News Could Be Coming at NYCC

6 months 4 weeks ago

New York Comic Con 2023 is just around the corner and Dragon Ball fans are hoping big news is in store for the seminal Shonen series. The franchise has a big presence at this year’s event, with both a booth and a panel scheduled. We don’t yet know what the panel will be focusing on, but the mystery has the Dragon Ball community hyped up for a major reveal.

It’s been more than five years since the conclusion of Dragon Ball Super, the latest series in the long-running anime. Since then, two hugely successful movies have pushed the story of Goku and his friends forward, while the Dragon Ball Super manga is now on its third arc following the end of the Tournament of Power that closed out the anime.

James Crosby


A Starfield Player Is Super Disappointed You Can’t Give Books to Cora

6 months 4 weeks ago

It goes without saying that Starfield went above and beyond to provide a realistic, intergalactic immersion not seen before in video games; an exceptionally commendable feat that has earned ecstatic praise from players everywhere. However, when tasked with creating a game of this scale, it’s certainly not easy to immaculately polish a literal galaxy full of content. A cosmic blip is bound to happen here and there, but a disconcerted player decided to call one such blip out that is actually quite surprising to us.

Going by the name ‘TacosAreJustice’ (heartily agreed) on Reddit, they shared a rather bereaved post yesterday of their realization that you technically can’t give little, knowledge-starved Cora Coe any books you come across in your travels. If you went an entirely different route with your own playthrough in Starfield and aren’t familiar, Cora Coe is the young daughter of Sam Coe, a member of Constellation. If you choose to have Sam accompany you as a companion, Cora comes with him by default. As you jump from one star system to another, you’ll overhear their amusing family banter towards each other, much of which revolves around Cora’s love of books. She’ll even approach you personally and ask you to bring her any books, specifically ones from Earth, that you can find.

Stephanie Watel


Final Fantasy 14 Players Debate Which Garlean Antagonist Has the Best Drip

6 months 4 weeks ago

Those power-hungry villains vying for control of Final Fantasy 14’s Garlean Empire can’t seem to agree on much. Still, if there’s one thing that unites them, it’s their love of oversized weapons and intimidating suits of armor. With an appearance that looks something like a Warframe mixed with a Power Rangers villain, they’re some of the most memorable character designs in the game.

Instead of the constant back-stabbing between Final Fantasy 14‘s villainous empire, maybe it’s time to just let the fashion do the talking. That’s the opinion of Reddit users, who have have been discussing which of the Garlean antagonists has the coolest armor, and so far it seems that a clear favorite is emerging.

James Crosby


Top 10 Best Pirate Games, Ranked from Scurvy to Swashbuckling

6 months 4 weeks ago

The Pirate genre has been a beloved theme for a long time; many daydream about captaining their ship on the high seas, answering to no one, and grasping the definition of freedom. The golden age of piracy is long since dead in the real world, but video games are not bound by this rule. With so much potential for narratives and experiences to be forged, is there any wonder why it is so popular? So here we have compiled the top 10 best pirate games.

Tyler Towers


Destiny 2: Top 10 Void Weapons, Ranked (October 2023)

6 months 4 weeks ago

Void weapons in Destiny 2 have been highly potent for several Seasons now. But with the arrival of Season of the Witch, along with some nerfs and buffs, there’s been a change in the hierarchy amongst Void weapons. So today, we’re breaking down the top 10 Void weapons in Destiny 2 as of October of 2023.

10. Word of Crota

Destiny 2 Crota's End Hand Cannon
Image Source: Bungie via Twinfinite

Kicking off the list is the re-introduction of one of the oldest Hand Cannons in the franchise, the Word of Crota from the Crota’s End Raid.

Joe Thomaselli


The Best Casting Picks for a Live-Action Cyberpunk 2077 Project

6 months 4 weeks ago

With the massive news of CD Projekt RED teaming up with Anonymous Content for a live-action Cyberpunk 2077 project, things are getting exciting. As is the case with any video game, it’s easy to imagine actual actors and actresses playing these familiar roles. This is no exception, and there are obvious stars that would be a treat to see play iconic Cyberpunk roles.

As for V, it’s truly unclear if the male or female version of the character is going to be the choice here. Even with that uncertainty, there are terrific ideas either way. Before we get started, though, just a disclaimer that this is a wishlist, and there’s no guarantee that most or all of these characters will make it into the live-action adaptation.

Cameron Waldrop


Everything Revealed During the Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone CODNext Event

6 months 4 weeks ago

The 2023 CODNext event gave fans the inside scoop into the world of Modern Warfare 3, combining new and old mechanics for the franchise. There’s plenty of content to look forward to, whether you are a newcomer or a veteran, and you can expect a much more user-friendly experience with the latest improvements. So, if you want to prepare yourself for the Beta or the official launch, we’ll go over everything that was revealed during CODNext.

Kristina Ebanez


Every Open World Rockstar Game, Ranked from Worst to Best

6 months 4 weeks ago

Few names in gaming carry quite the same weight of expectation as Rockstar Games. Having practically invented the modern open-world game back in 2001 with Grand Theft Auto 3, the publisher has barely missed a beat since.

Ever pushing the limits of technology and good taste, Rockstar Games has brought to life some of the medium’s most iconic virtual landscapes. As we await the much-anticipated release of GTA 6, here’s our list of every open world Rockstar game, ranked from worst to best.

James Crosby


Starfield Player Proves You Don’t Need to Store All Your Items in Your Cargo Hold

6 months 4 weeks ago

Starfield is the latest open world RPG from Bethesda that has let players push the game’s limits with surprising ease, especially when it comes to amassing piles of random items for the sake of it. In Skyrim, the most infamous case of obnoxious hoarding was probably the hundreds of cheese wheels kept inside a player’s house, and eventually it spawned into numerous videos of fans doing who knows what with even more cheese wheels. In the case of Starfield, however, someone has decided that the floor of their spaceship is the best place for anything and everything they pick up.

Going by ‘foslforever’, this player has taken to flaunting their interplanetary storage habits on Reddit, showing their latest progress yesterday to tell off the “know-it-alls” who claimed it was a bad idea for this or that reason. They first posted about their “no cargo room? no problem!” endeavor a couple weeks or so ago with a screenshot of an impressive haul of items, from resources, to spacesuits, to weapons and even a board game or two.

Stephanie Watel


5 Ways Lords of The Fallen is Different in 2023

6 months 4 weeks ago

It’s been quite some time since publisher CI Games put out anything related to their 2014 release of The Lords of The Fallen. So imagine everyone’s shock when they learned that Lords of The Fallen was coming back. Set 1,000 years into the future from the previous title, this new revival looks to sport quite a few changes from the first installment, so come along as we explore five ways Lords of The Fallen is different in 2023.

Ali Taha


10 Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Assassin’s Creed

6 months 4 weeks ago

The Assassin’s Creed franchise continues to slay in the gaming industry, incorporating its own take on classic tales and ancient locations. Due to this long reign, the series is packed with intriguing details, both in-game and in its origins. So, if you want to take a Leap of Faith into the series’ rich history, we’ll show you some Assassin’s Creed facts you may not know about.

Kristina Ebanez


Which Bethesda Franchise Suits You Best? Find Out With This Quiz

6 months 4 weeks ago

Bethesda Game Studios is so well known for its particular style of RPG that it can almost be its own sub-genre. Yet, despite the common threads uniting them, all three major franchises under Bethesda’s belt offer a pretty unique flavor of role-playing, each distinct from the other.

Take this fun quiz comprised of 10 deep psychological questions in order to finally determine once and for all which Bethesda franchise suits your personality best. You may think of this quiz as a helpful guide pointing you to your next immersive RPG to play, or as a unique kind of personality test. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Matthew Carmosino


10 Best Games Like Starfield If You’re Looking for Something Similar

6 months 4 weeks ago

Despite having new game plus and no level cap, players might be ready to play something else. If you’re looking to give that galaxy a break, we have gathered a list of other games with similar aspects for a smooth transition. These games have expansive and alien worlds, enjoyable combat, and entertaining stories.

Cameron Waldrop


Top 5 Changes We’d Like to See in Warzone 3 (If It Exists)

6 months 4 weeks ago

Modern Warfare 3 is right on the horizon and as we grow closer to its release date, Activision has dropped teaser after teaser. With all the new information we have, there has yet to be an official announcement on whether Warzone 2.0 will become 3.0. And in that spirit, we wanted to share our wish list for Warzone 3 if it exists.

Mission Contracts

Most Wanted contract Warzone 2 Al Mazrah TACMAP
Activision via Twinfinite

There are two generally good contracts. Bounty which marks an enemy squad and has your team hunt them across the map, and Most Wanted which marks yourself to the entire lobby for the chance to resurrect your dead squaddies.

Tyler Towers


Final Fantasy 14 Has Taken A Big Step Toward Being Solo Friendly

6 months 4 weeks ago

Final Fantasy 14’s latest update, Growing Light, sees the conclusion not just to the epic Endwalker storyline, but also to one of the most ambitious projects the development team has undertaken in the past few years. Thanks to said project, players can now solo every mandatory dungeon along Final Fantasy 14’s main story.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t quite mean one can play through the entirety of the story without having to occasionally group up with other players.

James Crosby


5 Things Baldur’s Gate 3 Gets Right (& 5 Things it Doesn’t)

6 months 4 weeks ago

Let’s face it, Baldur’s Gate 3 is an amazing game. BG3 does so many things right, and many people can feel the passion that went into building such an experience. However, it isn’t perfect, no game is. So, when there are issues in such a product of quality they tend to stick out more. With that said, let’s explore 5 Things Baldur’s Gate 3 Gets Right (and 5 Things it Doesn’t) together!

Ali Taha


A Starfield Player Has Already Surveyed All the Planets in the Game

6 months 4 weeks ago

Much akin to past titles, Bethesda Game Studios’ galaxy-spanning RPG Starfield offers players plenty of activities to engage with. From swashbuckling space pirate to intergalactic bounty hunter to cosmic smuggler, there’s so much to do in Starfield it’s enough to make your head spin. And that’s without mentioning the five major factions in the game, with each one boasting their own distinct questlines.

Nevertheless, one incredibly patient Starfield player has gone off the beaten path and done the seemingly impossible: they’ve managed to fully survey every possible planet in the game. We’ll let that sink in for a second.

Dylan Chaundy


6 Games That Will (Probably) Fly Under Your Radar in October 2023

6 months 4 weeks ago

September 2023 came and went like a whirlwind. Our enormous backlog just can’t seem to catch a break with heavy hitters like Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Lies of P, and Baldur’s Gate 3 dropping one after the other. Well, October isn’t devoid of GOTY contenders either! Heavy hitters from Ubisoft and Nintendo such as Assassin’s Creed Mirage and Super Mario Bros. Wonder promise to envelop us in their worlds in October. And with the holidays right around the corner, why not save some cash with these sleeper October titles instead? Here are 6 games that will (probably) fly under your radar in October 2023.

Matthew Carmosino


Forza Motorsport Review – A Reboot Worthy of Its Own Name

6 months 4 weeks ago

Forza Motorsport on Xbox Series S

As far as racing simulation goes, Forza has been a name synonymous with the genre since the first Forza Motorsport in 2005. As time has gone on, those titles have transitioned from only the Motorsport titles and into the Horizon as well, but after a 6 year gap between the previous racing sim with Forza Motorsport 7, 2023’s Forza Motorsport had some pretty big tires to fill and did so with finesse.

I’ve fallen off from playing racing titles in recent years, mainly because they can tend to feel repetitive after a while of playing. Forza Horizon is a different story because there’s a lot more freedom in the environment, so those have been the titles that I’ve focused on despite having started out playing the Motorsport games. However, the new Forza Motorsport is an entirely different story. From the moment I finished the first race, I could tell that I was playing something at the cutting edge of what’s possible, and couldn’t take my mind off of it.

Nick Rivera


Final Fantasy 14’s Latest Update May Have Revealed Dawntrail’s First New Job

6 months 4 weeks ago

A new Final Fantasy 14 expansion means new jobs to level. Which jobs are coming with next summer’s Dawntrail expansion have been a mystery ever since the reveal earlier this year. That was until the new Growing Light update hit servers today. Now, it seems, a major hint has been dropped which might just reveal the first of the two jobs we’ll see in the expansion.

Read on to find out what it might be, but be warned, this article contains major spoilers for patch 6.5 – Growing Light.

James Crosby


Apex Legends Finally Fixes Harbingers Event Issue Just in Time for It to End

7 months ago

Anyone who has played Apex Legends for a season — and sometimes even less than that — will undoubtedly know that the game has problems. Certain issues like hits not registering are claimed to be fixed, but creep back up as time passes. Again, this is just kind of what you accept as an Apex Legends player. And yet, a recent problem stemming from an event is still a little bit funny and frustrating.

The recent Harbingers Collection Event started on Sept. 19 and brought out a new Revenant-themed grenade called the Rev Shell. When thrown, it will travel in a straight line until it senses an enemy and then quickly change course to track them. They are hilariously persistent and provide a fun twist for the game’s Halloween event. The Rev Shell also factors into one of the event’s challenge badges that required players to deal 1,000 damage with them.

Cameron Waldrop


Starfield Player Sparks Debate Over Whether the Game Deserves a 10/10

7 months ago

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to video games like Starfield, that phrase could not ring any truer. Indeed, in a rapidly evolving medium where enjoyment can be a deeply personal and ephemeral commodity, trying to condense an epic 100-hour RPG down to a one-size-fits-all score can be as challenging as trying to defeat a Terrormorph with a wheel of cheese.

Nevertheless, it’s important to open a dialogue about these things, as discussion makes the world galaxy go round. From this perspective, it seems that Reddit user Touny420 has well and truly struck the motherlode.

Dylan Chaundy


YoshiP is Right – Final Fantasy 14 is Better When You Take Breaks

7 months ago

Completing Final Fantasy 14’s main story — including all its expansions — takes somewhere in the region of 350 hours. Even the hardiest RPG fan would have to admit that this is a lot. That’s also assuming you’re concentrating solely on the story and not getting pulled away by any of the impossible number of other distractions the game throws at you.

This was how I approached my first major stint in Final Fantasy 14. Head down. Tunnel vision. Plowing through it. I overcame the very real boredom of the game’s first 50 or so hours, was blown away by the next 200, and, as the credits rolled on the Endwalker expansion, came to realize that I’d just finished one of the greatest games I’ve ever played.

James Crosby


10 Worst Nintendo GameCube Games Everyone Loves to Hate

7 months ago

The Nintendo GameCube, the little box that could. Nintendo’s fourth home console ran through its share of problems and ultimately sold on the lower end for a Nintendo system, but it’s gained quite a cult following over the years (it’s one of this writer’s favorite systems). And why not? It’s got a truly tremendous library of games, and it’s home to some of Nintendo’s most creative, inventive, and memorable titles yet. It’s been especially great to see some fantastic GameCube titles return on the Switch, giving people another chance to experience some truly remarkable games.

As great as the GameCube is, however, it’s certainly got some stinkers. Much like any great console, some developers may look to make something to earn a quick buck, thus focusing less on making a great, quality title first and foremost. And no doubt, the GameCube is home to some garbage. Here are 10 of the worst Nintendo GameCube games that we love to hate.

Matt Anderson


MW3’s New Aftermarket Parts Feature Will Revitalize Maxed-Out Weapons in the Gunsmith

7 months ago

Every Call of Duty player typically takes a liking to a particular gun, whether it be the classic Assault Rifle or dynamic SMG. However, once you reach the maximum level of the weapon, the loadout is reasonably limited to a certain amount of attachments, often leading you to try out a new gun just for the sake of new content.

Fortunately, Modern Warfare 3’s Aftermarket Parts will bring a new life to these somewhat dull weapons, where players can get their hands on exclusive attachments from the latest Conversion Kits. This feature could essentially introduce an entirely different blueprint from the weapon’s original version, allowing you to return to past guns you may have forgotten.

Kristina Ebanez


Frostpunk 2 Hands-off Preview – Survival of the Fittest

7 months ago

It has been two years since 11 bit studios revealed to the world that the team is working on Frostpunk 2, with the highly acclaimed society survival game set to get a sequel that will hopefully build on everything that has made it so special. And based on a hands-off preview led by the developers, there is a growing belief that it will do just that and more, testing players’ ability to build, manage, and juggle all the responsibilities of a post-apocalyptic world.

Rather than focus on the narrative-driven experience that will await players in the main campaign, 11 bit studios took the opportunity to show off its Utopia Builder, the sandbox gameplay imbued with unique Frostpunk elements that will create tales of survival and failure alike.

Jake Su
