Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 5 Recap and Plot Points You Might’ve Missed

1 year 5 months ago

Yellowstone episode 5 marks a much-needed change of pace for the series as a whole with its shift away from the never-ending problems of the Duttons to some moments of healing and progression. As the season approaches its midway point, there needs to be a good balance of resolution, character growth, and new threats. In its entirety, the episode barely spends any time with the cowboys at the ranch and instead focuses on the personal lives of the Duttons. The looming threat of the NGO that wants answers about the murdered wolves isn’t even mentioned here. There are still plenty of monumental shifts, though. Here is the Yellowstone season 5, episode 5 recap, and plot points you might’ve missed.

Kayce and Monica Finally Find Some Peace

Image Source: Philo via Twinfinite

Overall, Kayce is still struggling with the loss of his son, and surprisingly, Monica seems to be doing better with her healing and she advises that Kayce not quit his job. Monica mentions that her son is with God and that it’s not tearing her apart. She says it’s not his job that’s coming between them, and nothing can. Furthermore, Kayce’s job is not the reason they lost their son.

The scene ends with a lovely “I love you” from Monica who admits she hasn’t been telling him that enough. This bodes well for these characters since they’ve been riddled with extreme problems and loss throughout the series. It’s good to finally see them have some relief and mending in their marriage, and hopefully, it lasts and continues to get better for both of them.

Sarah Atwood Continues Seducing Jamie

Image Source: Philo via Twinfinite

Jamie is abruptly visited by Sarah Atwood, and Jamie instantly begins by telling her he tried to call her and that their actions were unprofessional. Sarah acknowledges this and Jamie explains how he realized their one-night stand would disqualify him from being a litigator for the Dutton Ranch and Market Equities lawsuit. He rhetorically asks her if that’s why she slept with him, and she dodges the question and tells him things are going to get even more unprofessional as she proceeds to take off her dress.

At this point, the game of chess between the two seems like a loss for Jamie. Even though he can clearly see that Sarah is trying to seduce and manipulate him, he stupidly attempts no refusal of her advances. Either Jamie has a trick up his sleeve, or he’s already lost the game. But there’s always the chance that something even more outlandish might happen; what if Sarah and Jamie actually start to develop a real relationship and work together for their own benefit? That would surely come back to bite John in the worst way.

Dutton Dinner and Beth Versus Summer

Image Source: Philo via Twinfinite

In the middle of the episode, the most important scene takes place at the dinner table of John Dutton. For the first time, nearly everyone is at the table; on one side is the family of Kayce, Monica, and Tate, while on the other is Rip, Beth, and Carter. To top things off, John is at the head of the table, and his assistant Clara. The feeling of awkwardness between everyone permeates the screen and makes viewers feel like they’re right there caught up in the mix of what’s sure to be a disaster.

Once again, John attempts to have a peaceful dinner with his family, and sure enough, Beth begins by flailing sharp-tongued words at the table, first aimed at Summer. Summer dodges the remark about being a hooker, then proceeds to disrespectfully question all of the meat being served for dinner. The chef is caught off-guard trying to explain the game at the table and apologizes for not preparing any vegan options. The rest of the table laughs and also gets fed up with Summer, culminating in Beth kindly asking Summer to go take a walk with her. John tries to stop them, but the two ladies leave, and when Rip asks if he should follow them, John decides it’s best to let them deal with it between the two of them at first.

Outside, Beth throws a sucker punch at Summer, and the two girls get down and start brawling, much akin to the thematic macho slugfests that have occurred between Rip and Kayce, as well as Lloyd and Walker, then Rip and Lloyd. Summer tries to put some of her jiu-jitsu moves into use and almost starts to get the upper hand against Beth until Rip starts watching and remarks on how stupid the two women look. Rip, with all of his brutish wisdom, states that Beth and Summer will never convince the other of their beliefs, then suggests that Beth and Summer stop the rolling in the dirt fighting, and just trade blows until one gives up.

Beth and Summer agree and duel with dignity until Summer starts breaking down into tears and accepts that she must adhere to the age-old adage, “when in Rome…..” In a wild turn of events, Beth helps Summer stand up and proclaims that Summer is going to respect Beth and her family in their home. Summer agrees and as they walk back inside, Beth catches herself insulting Summer and decides that she’s going to stop doing that in return as a show of respect.

Dennis Limmer
