Which Seven Deadly Sins Character Are You? Take This Quiz To Find Out!

2 years 9 months ago

The Seven Deadly Sins is an anime known for its action, humor, and focus on teamwork. There is one character per each of the seven biblical sins in the series, representing everything from gluttony to lust. If you watched and loved The Seven Deadly Sins as much as we did, then you were likely left wondering which of the characters you liked the most. It probably didn’t take you long to find your fave out of the primary protagonists, but are you anything like them? While they do each represent specific aspects of humanity, each character has other quirks and interests that make them unique. We have made a personality quiz that will let you know which of the characters you actually resemble yourself.

Take our Seven Deadly Sins quiz below to find out if you’re more of a Diane or a Gowther! Hopefully you match up with the Sin you think you identify with most.

Anna Koselke
