What’s New in Apex Legends Season 13? Everything You Need to Know

2 years ago

This season is bringing some big gameplay changes through significant character balancing, changes to Storm Point, and, of course, the addition of another new Legend. Before you start jumping into matches, here’s everything you need to know about what’s new in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors.

New Legend: Newcastle

Everything New in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors

Apex Legends Newcastle Face (2)

Bangalore’s long-lost brother, Jackson Williams, is joining the roster in Season 13 as Newcastle. His Stories From the Outlands trailer showed us that he’s actually filling in for the real Newcastle, leaving his peaceful life with a new family behind.

Jackson joins the Apex Games to earn money to settle a debt and protect the people he cares about, so it only makes sense that his playstyle is a defensive one. His Passive allows him to drag downed teammates into safer positions while protecting them with a shield that’s the same rarity/strength as his Knockdown Shield.

Newcastle’s Tactical deploys a Mobile Shield that can protect an advancing squad and even be redeployed to face another direction. His Ultimate, Castle Wall, has him jump up and slam down an electrified shield that slows enemies who touch it. The shield can be put down at exact teammate locations if they’re targeted with Newcastle’s visor before it gets deployed.

Storm Point Map Update

Everything New in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors

Apex Legends Season 13 Sowned Beast POI

A single new POI has been added to Storm Point, as well as new PvE locations. The body of the giant sea monster from the Season 13 launch trailer is still in Storm Point, and it’s now known as the Downed Beast POI. It’ll provide more loot alongside the IMC Armories that introduce PvE instances against Spectres.

The sea monster’s carcass is located between North Pad, Checkpoint, and The Mill. You can fight both inside and around it, as it forms the new POI called The Downed Beast. You can even go inside it or climb on top of it, and some of the best loot is actually found inside its belly.

As seen in the image above, the beast will be surrounded by the same Ecological Cleanup and Hazard Outreach (ECHO) structures that can be found in Kings Canyon. These structures will provide even more opportunities to get loot around the outside of the beast.

IMC Armories & Smart Loot

Everything New in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors

Apex Legends Season 13 IMC Armories

Spectres were first introduced in Titanfall and, here, they can be found inside four IMC armories across Storm Point. Once a team is inside an armory, it’ll seal up preventing third-party situations. Then, waves of Spectres will attack for 60 seconds. The rarity of loot inside will improve the more waves you complete within the 60-second timer.

Smart loot is a new addition that should greatly improve your chances of getting the loot you need and/or want when scouring maps. These containers are found inside the IMC Armories and will scan what gear you have and provide loot that you don’t have, or upgrade the gear that you do have already — much like Lifeline’s Care Package.

Once the timer in an armory runs out, an escape route will be provided that will launch a team into the air to redeploy. This is only optional though, as teams can still simply exit the armory in the same way that they entered.

Ethan Anderson
