Was Nacho Varga in Breaking Bad? Explained

1 year 9 months ago

Nacho Varga is one of the key players in Better Call Saul, and his role is significant in shaping the cartel landscape into what it is when we reach the Breaking Bad timeline. And if you’re wondering if Nacho Varga was ever featured in Breaking Bad, here’s what you need to know.

Was Nacho Varga in Breaking Bad?

Nacho Varga, played by Michael Mando, did not appear in Breaking Bad. However, he is mentioned by name very briefly in season 2, episode 8, titled “Better Call Saul”.

In this episode, Walt and Jesse kidnap Saul and bring him out into the desert, where they try to threaten him and force him into helping Badger avoid going to prison. Saul panics as he doesn’t know what’s happening, and when he finally gets a chance to speak, he exclaims: “It wasn’t me, it was Ignacio!” And he also asks if Lalo sent them.

This throwaway line in Breaking Bad becomes the bedrock for a series of important events that occur in Better Call Saul, where Jimmy becomes acquainted with Ignacio “Nacho” Varga, as well as Eduardo Salamanca, AKA Lalo. So yes, while Nacho is referenced in this one random line in Breaking Bad, he doesn’t actually make a physical appearance in this series.

That’s all you need to know about Nacho Varga’s role in Breaking Bad. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul coverage, including a macabre rundown of everyone who dies in BCS, and whether Walt and Jesse show up in the prequel series.

Zhiqing Wan
