Pokemon Sleep Gave Me a Shiny I’ll Never Be Able to Catch & I’m Dead Inside

9 months 1 week ago

I’m neither the most talented nor the luckiest shiny hunter when it comes to collecting these in-game rarities, but I’ve always enjoyed the unique color palettes of shiny Pokémon and how badass or horrifying they can make a beloved species look. Because of this, I was naturally excited to see that shiny Pokémon were included within Pokémon Sleep, knowing that there was a slim chance one may someday appear during my slumber.

The shiny odds in Pokémon Sleep are lower than the mainline games, much like Pokémon GO. However, If my Pokémon GO days were any indicator, I knew not to expect anything, and to presume that I wouldn’t come across one of those sparkly critters for a very long time, possibly for as long as I manage to hold interest in the game.

Grace Black
