Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Review – Loud and Clear

10 months ago

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals on PlayStation 5

Video Game sequels can be tricky to pull off, especially when they offer a continuation of their predecessor’s story. Not only do they need to offer a continuation or conclusion to what came before them, but they also need to innovate on what came before them to show their potentially lengthy development time was worth the wait. Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is no exception to these factors, but fortunately for fans, it proves itself more than capable of meeting these expectations.

Set roughly five years after the events of the series’ first game, Night School Studio‘s title places players into the shoes of a new protagonist: Riley Poverly, a vagabond who has returned to her hometown after several years to work a job installing transmitters for a local survey project. She’s joined by Jacob Summers, a local with unfulfilled aspirations and his own inner demons to deal with.

Keenan McCall
