Only True The Shining Fans Can Get A Perfect Score In This Trivia Quiz

2 years 8 months ago

It’s kind of nuts to think that Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining was met with such a lukewarm critical reception and soft box office when it released back in 1980.

Indeed, with such a notoriously fraught production, and with Stephen King himself declaring the film as a “misogynistic” misinterpretation of the source material, it’s truly amazing that the legendary Manhattan-born filmmaker’s one-and-only horror pic has not only endured and weathered the storm but has gone on to become an outright masterpiece in the horror genre.

With all that in mind, then, we thought that now would be a good time to revisit Kubrick’s claustrophobic supernatural classic in Twinfinite’s latest movie quiz. All you need to do is answer these twelve trivia questions and, voila, we’ll be able to separate the wheat from the blood-drenched chaff and figure out how much of a The Shining fan you really are.

So, without further ado, grab your fire-axes and get ready to do your best Jack Nicholson impression as we journey back to the haunted hallways of The Overlook Hotel. Let’s get into it!

Dylan Chaundy
