Microsoft Flight Simulator PMDG Boeing 737-600 Gets First Video; Pilatus PC-12 Gets New Screenshots; San Antonio Airport Released

1 year 9 months ago

Today more reveals were shared about upcoming add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator, on top of a relevant airport release.

We get to see the very first video of the upcoming Boeing 737-600 by PMDG (shared by PMDG Technical team member and YouTuber 737NG Driver), which is coming soon.

Not only do we get to see how the aircraft behaves and why it’s affectionately nicknamed the “pocket rocket” by the team at PMDG, but we also witness the new lateral navigation suite in action. This is interesting even if you’re not interested in the -600 specifically, as it will be implemented on the -700 as well.

We also get confirmation that it’ll be priced at $49.99 and that PMDG will pack liveries for every single real-world operator out of the box.

Carenado also provided new screenshots of its upcoming Pilatus PC-12. We hear that it’s very near to release and it’ll support the GTNXi by TDS.

Giuseppe Nelva
