A Marvel Trivia Quiz Only True MCU Fans Can Ace

3 years ago

While several superhero movies enjoyed success before Marvel’s Connected Universe properly got into its stride, few would have predicted that their immense popularity would spawn an epic saga of interconnected blockbuster films that utterly dominated the film industry for over a decade. But that’s exactly what happened, and now in the void of their absence, we find ourselves treading water, eagerly awaiting a next-generation MCU saga to finally kick-off after the apocalyptic (read traumatic) events of Endgame.

However, the MCU’s Phase 4, as it’s called, isn’t set to arrive for quite some time yet, and so if you’re Marvel super-fans like us then you’re probably in a routine of rewatching the original saga to keep yourself satiated. A spot of MCU trivia should be a breeze, then, right? Well, let’s find out.

Here we’ve prepared a Marvel quiz with questions that span the entirety of the MCU saga, across film and television.

Alex Gibson
