How Well Do You Know Valheim? Take This Trivia Quiz to Find Out

3 years 2 months ago

The world of Valheim is vast and rife with danger right from the off, which means you need to be quick in learning its mysterious world in order to survive.

Like, seriously quick; I had a Greyling literally spawn beside my first character build and start hitting me before Hugin even had a chance to issue his first tutorial, for Pete’s sake!

From there it was charging boars, trembling forests, hungry trolls, and angry drakes thwarting me at every step of my adventure. But Valheim’s punishing difficulty is all part of its charm, right?

It’s certainly been a character-building experience, anyway. The dozens of hours spent exploring, crafting, building, and dying over and over again have been filled with ups and downs. It’s made me a veritable master of lands.

But what about you, dear reader? How well do you truly know Valheim? Well, here’s a trivia quiz to put your knowledge to the test. And like traversing the harsh wilderness of Valheim, it’s no walk in the park. Let’s get going, shall we?

Alex Gibson
