How to Get All Markers in Roblox Find The Markers

1 year 5 months ago

Even though the premise for Roblox’s Find The Markers title is incredibly simple, its popularity has really grown recently. In fact, the seek-’em-up experience has accrued almost half a billion visits since its inception last year. No small feat, indeed! If you’re here, though, you’re likely wondering how to find all the Markers in Roblox Find The Markers. Well, you’re in the right place. Let’s start finding all 202 of those pesky Markers, shall we?

All Marker Locations in Roblox Find The Markers

Here are the locations of all 202 Markers in Roblox Find The Markers:

Easy Markers

Purple Marker

Ready for the easiest Marker ever? This one is a cinch. It’s literally right in front of you when you spawn into the game atop the Pedestal of Awesome. Next!

Archer Marker

Firstly, from spawn head towards the big clock tower nearby, next to the abandoned houses. Walk around to the back of the clock tower to find a near-invisible ladder and climb up. Now, go to the front of the clock tower and climb up another near-invisible ladder and when you reach the face of the clock, you’ll be teleported to the Washable Kingdom. Here, go to the right side of the castle and you’ll reach the archery area to find your second Marker.

Baby Marker

Go to the Abandoned City, and enter the first house on your left. Go up the stairs, and you’ll find the Baby Marker under the bed.

Ball Marker

Another really easy one! All you need to do is look around spawn and you’ll find the Ball Marker.

Bee Marker

Head to the Forest Biome, behind the cabin is the Bee Marker in the tree above.

Big Orange Marker

Go to the Mountain Biome and climb up the ladder. When you enter the cave, turn left and step on some eggs. You’ll be teleported to a turquoise room with the Big Orange Marker waiting to be collected. Quick note: You’ll need to have obtained the Baby Marker first in order to collect this one.

Black Marker

From the eggs where you acquired the Big Orange Marker, head into the caves and go down the steps. In the corner is a nook that looks like there’s nothing there. Walk into it and you’ll be warped into a dark room with a keyboard. On the right of the keyboard is the Black Marker.

Bluegrass Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head towards the blue field and right in the back corner is the Bluegrass Marker hidden on the floor.

Bone Marker

Go to the Mountain Biome and climb the ladder again. Before you enter the cave, head left and follow the path around. Look out for a ribcage on the ledge and in these bones is where you’ll find the Bone Marker.

Brown Marker

Next to the eggs which teleported you to the Big Orange Marker, jump up a ledge and follow the path left to find the Brown Marker.

Cactus Marker

Head to the Desert Biome, and behind one of the cacti near the pyramid is the Cactus Marker.

Capless Marker’s Cap

Go to the Factory next to the forest biome and in front of the factory is a purple marker cap. Step on this and you’ll unlock the Capless Marker’s Cap.

Carpet Marker

Head to the cabin in the Forest Biome, and once you enter inside, step on the marker-shaped carpet and you’ll unlock the Carpet Marker.

Coral Marker

Near spawn, in the water next to the “De Olde Shop,” there is real coral. Inside one of the coral pieces is the Coral Marker.

Crystal Marker

Head towards the Cave near spawn. Inside, go towards the back of the cave and on the left, in the corner, is a narrow nook. Scooch down this nook to find the Crystal Marker.

Dark Blue Marker

Underneath “De Olde Shop” is water. Take a dip inside and head towards the corner to unlock the Dark Blue Marker.

Dragon Marker

Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower. Then, go up the stone path next the the castle and you’ll reach a hole in the wall. Go inside, and you’ll soon drop down a hole that will lead you to the Dragon Marker who is stood protecting its eggs.

Dream Marker

Go to the Abandoned City, and in the second house on your right, you’ll find the Dream Marker sleeping in a bed upstairs and a catching some Zs.

Dummy Marker

From spawn, head inside the cave where we found the Crystal Marker. You’ll see a “Dummy” nametag through the wall. Once you arrive at the location of the “Dummy” nametag, you’ll be teleported to a little alcove with the Dummy Marker waiting for you to collect it.

Explode Marker

Head towards the snow biome, and next to the candy land biome, you’ll find a “Die” button. Click it and it’ll give you the Explode Marker.

Fire Marker

Go to the Forest Biome, and enter the cabin. Inside, you’ll find the Fire Marker in — you guessed it! — the fireplace.

Firefly Marker

Head back to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and go to the swamp area with the “Beware of the Bouncy Lily Pads” sign. Carefully jump onto the lily pads and bounce your way to the top of the tree in the far right-hand side corner to get your hands on this one.

Fishbowl Marker

Go inside the cabin in the forest biome. On the table on the left is the Fishbowl Marker.

Ghost Marker

Go inside the clock tower and climb up the metal column. At the top, you’ll find the Ghost Marker in all its glory.

Gingerbread Marker

Go to the Candy Land Biome, and inside the little gingerbread house is the Gingerbread Marker sitting on the multi-colored gummy couch.

Goat Marker

Head towards the Mountain and climb up the ladder, but don’t go inside the entrance. Instead, go left and climb up the mountain. Go past some bones and keep going up and around, and you’ll soon come across the Goat Marker.

Grass Marker

In the Mountain Biome, in front of the wooden ladder, you’ll find the sneaky Grass Marker hidden in the grass.

Hanging Marker

In the cabin in the Snow Biome, you’ll find the Hanging Marker upstairs hanging from the ceiling.

Industrial Marker

Go to the Factory next to the forest biome. Inside, follow the sign to the “Assembly Line” and you’ll find the Industrial Marker next to the conveyer belt.

King Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, go into the castle and follow the path on your right. You’ll find the King Marker sitting on his throne waiting to be added to your collection.

Lava Jump Marker

Head to the Factory and go past the first assembly line. Behind it is another room filled with red obstacles which will kill you if you touch them. Carefully manoeuver your way across the obby and collect the Lava Jump Marker at the back of the room.

Lavender Marker

In the Forest Biome, behind all the halls is a purple, spinning block. Touch this and it’ll warp you to a lavender room where you can find the Lavender Marker.

Lightbulb Marker

Go into “De Olde Shop,” and climb the shelves behind the counter. Once at the top, jump to your right and you’ll get the Lightbulb Marker, which is nestled in a light hanging from the ceiling.

Liquid Marker

Go to the Desert Biome and on the right side of the Pyramid is a purple pond. Jump in and you’ll unlock the Liquid Marker.

Magenta Marker

Head over to the cabin in the Snow Biome, and climb the stairs. On the right side of the bed is a little door. Go inside and you’ll find the Magenta Marker.

Marker Deleted

From spawn, head into the door with the “Teleport to the Gallery” sign next to it. Inside, on the wall opposite all the Markers is a white picture of the Deleted Marker. Jump into it to nab this one.

Marker for the Black Baseplate

Behind “De Olde Shop,” there is a big black area with the Marker for the Black Baseplate sitting in the middle waiting to be collected.


Go to the Abandoned City biome, and head inside the left house behind the clock tower. Here, you’ll find the Markerplier marker sitting playing on his computer peacefully.

Markerseed the Fallen

From spawn, go inside the Cave and towards the right side of the cave, you’ll find the Markerseed the Fallen marker next to a blue glowing crystal.

Maroon Marker

Head to the Cave and near the back is a ledge, which you’ll need to jump up to get to the Maroon Marker, which is hidden in the shadows.

Dylan Chaundy
