Have a Nice Death Infrastructure Development Update Adds New Enemies, Challenges, & More

2 years ago

The Underworld is making a few changes to its infrastructure, as Magic Design Studios have just unveiled its brand new update for Have a Nice Death is officially live. Titled Infrastructure Development, this new DLC adds plenty of enemies, challenges, and quality of life changes that fans of this 2D action roguelike will surely love.

You can check out the official trailer alongside some screenshots and an official description right down below.


Lobby Challenge – Meet Jocelyn, Death Incorporated’s elevator, who offers a series of exciting challenges in between runs. Each challenge unlocks an instant bonus, such as a new weapon or spell. However, some challenges have a set requirement — failure to complete this task will lead to a major consequence, like less health, less mana and much more.  

Full Access to Modern Warfare Department – We gave everyone a small taste of this world when Have a Nice Death released last month. Starting today, you’ll now have access to the entire level, complete with five different enemies: a veteran armed with a drum of explosives, a headless figure who leaves behind land mines, a fire-breathing pyromaniac, a cadet with homing missiles and an unhinged pilot who drops bombs from above. 

Breakroom Upgrades and New Relaxation Area – Visit the new water cooler in the breakroom, where you can trade Soulary in for Anima to restore health. There’s also a new vending machine where you can randomly score a new item or take damage if the machine is broken. If you need a break, you can visit the new Relaxation Area where you can pick up a healing cup of Koffee for free and rest up. 

New Thanagers – Management has hired four new Thanagers (mini-bosses) to reign terror at Death Incorporated: 

Leon Clean is the custodial engineer responsible for keeping the Hall of Eternity spotless. Watch out for his deadly vacuum which projects deadly trash. 

X4-H is a dangerous mutagen with uncontrollable saliva who has taken over the Industrial Pollution Department. 

Andrew McMahon
