Dragon Quest X Offline Screenshots Show Guest Party Members & MMORPG Spell of Restoration

2 years 4 months ago

Square Enix released a new gallery of screenshots and details of the upcoming JRPG Dragon Quest X Offline.

The screenshots showcase the fact that several guest characters can accompany you in your adventure for a while as temporary members of your party.

There are over 10 of these characters available in the game.

Perhaps the more interesting element we see is the fact that Square Enix has found a rather clever way of keeping players involved even after they finish the game, while sticking close to the traditions of the Dragon Quest series.

Once you clear Drago Quest X Offline, you’ll receive a special Spell of Restoration (Fukkatsu no Jumon, the password that was used in the oldest Dragon Quest games to save and load at certain points of the story) code.

When entered in the MMORPG Dragon Quest X Online, this code will boost all of the jobs included in the offline JRPG version to level 70, so you can pretty much pick up where you left off.

You can enjoy the screenshots below.

Giuseppe Nelva
