DOOM’s Music Fits Perfectly Into Destroying Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood

2 years 2 months ago

In entertainment, there are just some songs that fit into every situation perfectly, like My Hero Academia’s You Say Run, which literally goes with everything. Thanks to this, people tend to get pretty creative when mixing things around, especially when it comes to video games. Just check out what one DOOM fan has done to Skyrim.

As you can see in the video below, which was posted to the Skyrim subreddit, user LuX_Lukas_18 showed off just how perfectly the DOOM music fit into burning down the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim.

The song, The Only Thing They Fear Is You by Mick Gordon, just works so perfectly in the scenario, as it feels satisfying to hear it played as you take down Skyrim’s shady assassin organization. Honestly, the music is so good that it could probably go with anything.

What do you think of the combination? Are there any other scenarios or games you can think that would work perfectly with Mick Gordon’s famous DOOM track? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

And while you’re here, don’t forget to check out all of the Skyrim and DOOM content we’ve got for you in the related articles section below. That includes plenty of features, news, guides, and quizzes that fans of both franchises will surely love.

The post DOOM’s Music Fits Perfectly Into Destroying Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood appeared first on Twinfinite.

Andrew McMahon
