Compile Heart Delays Both VVVTune and Mary Skelter Finale

3 years 10 months ago

Today Compile Heart announced that it’s delaying two of its JRPGs that were supposed to release in Japan in the summer.

The latest Hyperdimension Neptunia spinoff game VVVTune will launch on August 6, 2020 instead of the previously announced release date on July 2.

The newest chapter of the Mary Skelter dungeon-crawling JRPG series Kamigokuto Mary Skelter Finale will be delayed all the way into the fall (October 8, 2020) from its original launch date on August 27.

The reason given is “various circumstances including changes in the production schedule.” The Coronavirus pandemic wasn’t explicitly named, but it’s probably involved.

VVVTune has been announced only for PS4, while Kamigokuto Mary Skelter Finale is coming for both PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

Neither game has been announced for the west by Idea Factory International just yet, so we don’t know whether this affected in any way the plans of the western arm of the publisher.

Of course, we’ll keep you posted about any further news on the two games, including possible announcements for the North American and European markets. Idea Factory International brings west almost everything Compile Heart develops, so the outlook isn’t bad. It’s likely more a matter of “when” than of “if.”

The post Compile Heart Delays Both VVVTune and Mary Skelter Finale appeared first on Twinfinite.

Giuseppe Nelva
