Celebrate the Start of Zenless Zone Zero’s Tuning Test With Yet Another Bopping, Slick Trailer

1 year 9 months ago

In the mobile and gacha community, Zenless Zone Zero might very well be the most highly anticipated game release of the year. It was unveiled with an almost Persona-esque stylish trailer with colorful characters decked out in hip streetwear, complete with the kind of AAA shine you just don’t see in a lot of free-to-play mobile games.

If you were lucky enough to get selected for the game’s Tuning Test, it starts today, giving players the chance to mess around with the combat and various gameplay elements. If you weren’t, well, miHoYo released a new trailer to celebrate the start of the Tuning Test, so we can just watch it and weep, I suppose.

You can check out the trailer down below:

Zenless Zone Zero features fast-paced action combat, not dissimilar to what we’ve seen in the Honkai Impact games. Except, this game features a completely different setting, shying away from the fantasy elements of Honkai and Genshin Impact, and instead adopting a more modern and cyberpunk style.

Zenless Zone Zero has no set release date yet, but we’ll keep you updated as more info comes our way.

Zhiqing Wan
