The Best TMNT Games of All Time

1 year 8 months ago

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have a history in video games that spans decades since the 90s. A true pop culture phenomenon of the 80s and 90s, it was no surprise there were numerous video games made that were based on the turtles. Of all the TMNT games made up to this point, here are the 10 best you need to play, whether you’re a fan of the original cartoon, beat-em-ups, or retro games in general.

TMNT Arcade

Image Source: arronmunroe

When the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game first hit arcades, beat ‘em ups reached a whole new level. Kids and teens happily gathered around this machine wherever it was found. Being able to play with a total of four friends simultaneously made this the ultimate coop experience. It also became one of the best ways to collect quarters from players.

The story perfectly brings all the elements of the Ninja Turtle franchise into one fast-paced, action-packed adventure. The cartoon graphics and cutscenes make the players feel like they’re the Ninja Turtles taking part in a TMNT episode. And there’s plenty of martial arts ninja fighting with multiple foot soldiers. All of these elements add up to a shell-shocking time.


Image Source: NintendoComplete

The first Ninja Turtle video game to hit home consoles was on the NES and this adventure platformer is notorious for its difficulty. In this iteration, each of the turtles has its own unique strengths based on its trademark weapons.

As you progress through different areas on the map, you’ll get to choose the best turtle to help you complete the level. Some levels are locked to a specific turtle, but overall, you’ll have the freedom to switch turtles. This game is great for anyone looking for a retro challenge.

TMNT 2: The Arcade Game

Image Source: NintendoComplete

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 The Arcade Game is the sequel to the first NES game but was not made as a direct successor. Instead, the arcade game was ported over to the best degree possible and did not disappoint. It not only captures the same fun as the arcade version, but it also adds its own charm.

Due to the limited power of the NES, key features had to be cut which resulted in the lack of simultaneous 4-player action, toned-down graphics, and the voice clips were removed. But even after all of these drawbacks, original additions helped make up for the port.

Two brand new exclusive stages were added with new enemies as well as two new bosses: Shogun in the Shogun’s Hideout stage and Tora in the Snowy Central Park stage. The gameplay lacked the full string of combos from the arcade, but once you mastered your key moves, you could focus on beating the game with consistent skills. This game is highly recommended to play with a best friend, or taking turns with a group of 4 doesn’t hurt either.

TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project

Image Source: NintendoComplete

Image Source: NintendoComplete
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 completes the trilogy of beat-em-ups on the NES and capitalizes on the simple, yet fun formula from its predecessors. Not many people remember this game because it came out at the end of the NES life cycle as the SNES was taking off. The main contribution of this game to the series was adding more of everything: enemies, levels, bosses, and moves.

Each of the turtles was given unique special moves that further differentiated them. Leonardo has a tornado spinning attack, Raphael has a head-first flying drill attack, Donatello has a flipping Bo bash, and Michelangelo has a high-flying backward jump kick. A universal throw was added, by simultaneously pressing down on the d-pad and the attack button, which would throw an enemy foot soldier and eliminate them in a single attack. Sprite animation along with improved details and an enjoyable soundtrack helped to serve as one of the final testaments of what the NES was capable of.

Dennis Limmer
