All Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks, Ranked from Worst to Best

1 year 6 months ago

While the newest installment in the Call of Duty franchise strays from the franchise’s identity, Modern Warfare 2 continues the tradition of giving players ways to turn the tide in their favor. We’re talking about killstreaks or scorestreaks, and this entry gives players many new and returning streaks to aid them in their conquest. We’ve compiled a tier list of them all to keep you informed and prepped before you head into the field. Here’s what you need to know about the killstreaks and what rank they occupy, from worst to best.

How Many Killstreaks Are There in Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer

Before we get started, it’s important to note a few things. Modern Warfare 2 features 20 total killstreaks at your disposal that you’ll unlock through leveling up. You are given the option to switch between killstreaks, which reward you based on player kills, or scorestreaks, which reward you based on your contributions to winning. Hardline is an incredibly useful perk for either streak system, as killstreak count is reduced by one, while scorestreak count is reduced by 125 points.

This list will include the kill and score count needed for all of the streaks. Going off the previous paragraph, if you want to change between the streak system follow the below steps:

  • In the multiplayer menu, head on over to the Weapons tab.
  • Select Killstreaks.
  • At the bottom left, under the UAV, you’ll see an option to switch between both streak systems.

Without further ado, let’s get started:

Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks Ranked from Worst to Best

20. Precision Airstrike

6 Kills or 750 Score

Precision Airstrike CoD MW2
Image Source: Infinity Ward via Twinfinite

Starting this list off with a bang, or lack of, the Precision Airstrike. In the past few entries that have featured this streak, its overall performance has gone down drastically. Previous entries would call in an actual airstrike featuring a blanketing of explosive ordinance. However, it has since seen reworks to its function to now cover an area with machine gun fire.

It’s a severe downgrade, and couple that with a finicky system to call it in, it’s lost its favor in my streak package.

19. Bomb Drone

4 Kills or 500 Score

Bomb Drone CoD MW2
Image Source: Infinity Ward via Twinfinite

Continuing the trend of ranking ordinance streaks at the bottom, the Bomb Drone isn’t as useful as I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a neat idea, but a few design choices hold back this streak. The first issue comes from the map design, which impacts the rating of the Precision Airstrike as well.

Maps in this game, even in 6v6 modes, are pretty big. Taking the time to pilot a streak through the battlefield isn’t ideal if you’re looking to drop high-kill games. Couple that with the fact this streak can be shot down fairly easily, and the controls are also a bit finicky, the Bomb Drone doesn’t feel as good as it should.

18. Wheelson-HS

8 Kills or 1000 Score

Wheelson CoD MW2
Image Source: Infinity Ward via Twinfinite

My problem with the Wheelson is similar to my complaint with the Bomb Drone. Pull out your tablet to control a remote control mini-tank fully- equipped with a mini turret. It does get overwhelming to pilot, and again, piloting a vehicle like this is very risky if you’re going for high-kill games in maps that are noticeably bigger than what we’ve experienced in the past. However, a neat little trick is that you can set it to autopilot and enter sentry mode.

John Esposito
