All Ghostface Killers in Scream, Ranked from Worst to Best

1 year 2 months ago

1996 saw the release of the Scream franchise revitalizing the style of slasher movies forever. Inspired by a real-life murder spree, Wes Craven wanted to make Scream unique and different and it worked with Scream now having gained cult status. The original Scream movie is still now the highest-grossing slasher of all time.

This article takes a look at all of the different Ghostface killers from the five movies released so far, ranking each killer from the best to worst, based on many different factors.

9. Richie Kirsch – Scream 2022

Richie is meant to be the reincarnation of Billy but is not up scratch.
Image Source: Paramount Pictures

Richie was part of a pair of killers in the latest scream movie, Scream 2022. The directors decided to revert back to the formula of the first movie, to go down the “boyfriend as the killer” route with Richie being the partner of Sam Carpenter, who happens to be the long-lost daughter of the original Ghostface Billy Loomis.

He ranks down the bottom here as he is one of the most forgettable of all the killers, only being involved in two kills, while also playing second fiddle to the main killer in this movie, Amber Freeman.

The only reason some people may remember him is because of his links to one of the main girls. Also, he was given a charity kill in the form of Wes Hicks, who was in the movie to pay respect to the original director Wes Craven who passed away in 2015.

8. Charlie Walker – Scream 4

Playing second fiddle to Jill Roberts was always going to be hard
Image Source: Dimension Films

Charlie may not have been the main protagonist of Scream 4, but it was his nice guy persona, love for Jill, and his end goal of becoming the last survivor that have allowed him to make an impression. Similar to Richie, Charlie also played backup to the main killer, but it was the directors who let him down by trying to make him a villain version of Randy Meeks from the original two movies.

A movie fanatic and a lover of the Stab movies in the Scream universe, Charlie used his movie expertise to execute three kills which were Olivia, Robbie, and either Jenny or Marnie, as we never know which of Charlie or Jill gets which kill.

Also, with Scream 6 set to be released in the next few weeks, it has been established that Charlie had a failed kill in his movie with Kirby surviving her stab wounds, with Hayden Panettiere reprising her role.

7. Roman Bridger – Scream 3

Roman Bridger is an excellent Ghostface but an awful character
Image Source: Dimension Films

With the most kills in the Scream franchise at nine, it’s hard to believe that Roman is ranked so far down the list. Well, to be honest, Scream 3 is the worst of all the movies, with the shoddy storyline, Courtney Cox’s awful hairstyle, very little screen time, and the super unrealistic voice changer that can somehow perfectly match the voice of anybody in the movie.

Killing Christine Hamilton, Cotton Weary, Sarah Darling, Steven Stone, Tom Prinze, Angeline Tyler, Tyson Fox, Jennifer Jolie, and John Milton was no mean feat for just one person. However, that was not the main takeaway from this movie, it was the reveal at the end that shocked all the viewers, that he was the illegitimate child of Maureen Prescott, which made him the biological sister of Sidney Prescott.

Another reveal was that he happened to be the mastermind behind the Woodsboro massacre in the original Scream movie and was the brains behind the operation, getting Stu Macher and Billy Loomis to do all of his dirty work.

6. Mrs. Loomis – Scream 2

Mrs Loomis takes being a psychopath to the next level
Image Source: Dimension Films

By far the weirdest killer of the franchise and also the joint least kills as Ghostface. Her one and only kill never even happens on screen, with Randy Meeks meeting his fate at the hands of her knife. Working alongside her partner in crime Mickey Altieri, Mrs. Loomis is the brains behind the operations while Mickey is the brawn.

She is introduced in Scream 2 as a local journalist under a random alias known as Debbie Salt. However, in the final scenes of the movie, it is revealed that she is the mother of the original Ghostface Billy Loomis. Her whole plan was to avenge her son’s murder at the hands of Sidney Prescott.

The psychotic maniac’s way in was to manipulate a student (Mickey Altieri) and in return for doing all her dirty work, she would pay for all of his tuition fees. However, after what looked like a successful killing spree in Scream 2 and her getting away with everything, that is all scuppered when Cotton Weary returns at the end and shoots her and kills her.

She ranks sixth because while her body count wasn’t exactly impressive, her psychotic tendencies and the ability to hide her real identity until the end of the movie was fantastic cinema.

Harrison Lane
