All Genshin Impact Players to Get Extra Intertwined Fates After In-Game Mail Error

2 years 2 months ago

It’s always nice when you get even more free stuff in an already somewhat predatory free-to-play game like Genshin Impact. Intertwined Fates are one of the premium currencies in MiHoYo’s popular action RPG, and they’re used in the in-game gacha system to try to roll for the limited-time 5-star characters.

With the Lantern Rite event now underway, MiHoYo had originally planned to give players one free Intertwined Fate each. However, due to a configuration error in the game, some players had received two instead of one. To even things out across the entire player base, the company has since confirmed on Twitter that all players will be getting an extra Intertwined Fate now.

Those who have already received an extra Fate will not get anymore, and MiHoYo also states that the rewards will be handed out to all players by the end of v2.4, or the end of the Lantern Rite event.

Genshin Impact is now available on PC and PlayStation.

The post All Genshin Impact Players to Get Extra Intertwined Fates After In-Game Mail Error appeared first on Twinfinite.

Zhiqing Wan
