90s Kids Would Die If These 5 Games Made a Comeback

4 years ago

Pokemon Snap

Pokemon Snap

Pokemon Snap was such a simple concept back in the Nintendo 64 days. There’s 151 Pokemon out there in the wild. Go out and snap some photos of all of them.

It could take skilled players only an afternoon to snap them all but longevity wasn’t the appeal. Pokemon Snap was incredibly immersive and seeing Pokemon move and play in their natural habitat was something that we’ve never seen before.

A new updated version of Pokemon Snap would have so much potential. For starters, there’s way more Pokemon now so there’s obviously a lot of room to build on the original game in terms of scope.

Obviously a lot has changed in between the Nintendo 64 and the Nintendo Switch, so a new game could leverage modern features like more a complex AI and environments to keep gameplay varied, multiplayer competitions to see who can snap the better photos, and social elements that let you share your best photos.

Companies love finding ways for their game to get buzz on social media and Pokemon Snap could be a home run on that front.

It just seems like such a no brainer game that would have cross-generational appeal, and I just can’t figure out why Nintendo has yet to seize this low-hanging fruit, and jump at the chance to remake Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for whatever reason instead.

The post 90s Kids Would Die If These 5 Games Made a Comeback appeared first on Twinfinite.

Ed McGlone
