5 Questions We Have After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Finale

1 year 10 months ago

The monumental conclusion of Obi-Wan Kenobi has finally reached its end, with fans already asking for another season. The show has answered mysteries within the franchise, including what the Jedi Master did in his time of exile. However, now that the series has ended, some aspects of the story still need more of an explanation. So, here are five questions we have after Obi-Wan Kenobi’s finale.

***Spoilers for All Six Episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi Below***

What Is With the Yellow Pods on The Inquisitorius?

5 Questions We Have After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Finale

Jedi tomb.
Source: Disney Platform Distribution

In Episode 4 of Obi-Wan Kenobi, we see a frightening display of Jedi tombs located on the Inquisitorius. Victims included Master Tera Sinube, a youngling that presumably died during Order 66, and a handful more force-sensitive individuals.

So, what is the Empire doing with the bodies of these fallen Jedis, and why are they preserving them? Some fans have claimed that the tomb is simply a trophy collection for the Inquisitors, while others have speculated a possible cloning system to create a Sith army.

While the ending may not have clarified the reasoning behind the preserved bodies, the Head Writer and Executive Producer, Joby Harold, discussed this storyline further. In an interview with SYFY WIRE, he reveals that the tomb is a plot device to impact Obi-Wan Kenobi’s journey because he’s been avoiding the idea of Jedis altogether. But, when he sees the Jedi spaceship graveyard, he is devastated and realizes how horrific the Empire is.

If this storyline specifically shapes Obi-Wan’s arc, then this tomb may not have a deeper meaning. Although, we’re still hoping for an explanation if the series gets a Season 2.

Who Is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Brother?

5 Questions We Have After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Finale

Obi-Wan Kenobi series
Source: Disney Platform Distribution

Many Star Wars fans have wondered about Obi-Wan Kenobi’s origins, and now Episode 3 has uncovered details about the Jedi Master’s past. In this episode, he recalls memories of his parents and a baby brother that he barely remembers. So, who is Kenobi’s brother, and where is he now?

Some have stated that this new information is another plot device like the Jedi tomb story arc. Still, since the franchise has always emphasized sibling relationships (like Luke and Leia), there may be a future mission where Obi-Wan tries to find his long-lost family member.

The community has developed some intricate theories that could tell us the identity of Kenobi’s brother. For example, in the original screenplay for Return of the Jedi, Owen Lars is revealed as his sibling but was later scrapped in the final product. Could this explain the intense relationship between the two in Obi-Wan Kenobi? Unfortunately, only time will tell if this theory could be true since none of it was disclosed in the finale.

On the contrary, Kenobi’s brother could be someone we don’t even know, with the possibility of never revealing his identity. The sad truth is that he did have a sibling relationship with Anakin Skywalker, and now that’s been tarnished in the latest episode.

Where is Jedi Master Yoda?

5 Questions We Have After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Finale

Jedi Master Yoda
Source: Lucasfilm

Yoda is one of the most notable characters in the Star Wars franchise, yet he is not present in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. We know that the Jedi Master is in exile in Dagobah since he previously discussed this in Revenge of the Sith and is later seen there in The Empire Strikes Back. However, now that more famous characters in the universe are returning, like Boba Fett and Obi-Wan, could Yoda also return to the beloved franchise?

Obi-Wan came out of exile to rescue Leia Organa from the Empire, so why didn’t Yoda help him in this mission? The task of keeping Anakin’s children safe seems like an important enough task for the old master to get involved.

Even if Yoda didn’t appear in the series, fans could hope for his return in future installments, especially after his reveal in The Last Jedi.

Kristina Ebanez
