5 Major Changes WandaVision has Set Up for MCU Phase 4

3 years 3 months ago

With the final episode of WandaVision‘s first season in the books, it’s easier to see just how much the show has affected the future of the MCU. While it may have only been nine episodes, the show has already had a resounding impact on what is set to occur for Phase 4 of Marvel’s movie franchise.

Whether it is the introduction of new characters or drastic improvements in powers, these are five significant changes WandaVision has set up for MCU’s Phase 4. 

Note: There will be heavy spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the entirety of WandaVision’s entire season. If you don’t want to be spoiled, come back when you watch it. 

If you have already seen all nine episodes, or you simply don’t mind spoilers, then carry on to the article. 

(Featured Image Courtesy of Disney+/Marvel)

Wanda’s Powers

WandaVision, MCU, Phase 4
Image Credit Disney+/Marvel

In the short time that Dr. Strange has been in the MCU, the Sorcerer Supreme has already demonstrated that he is one of the most powerful characters in it, especially when it comes to magic. However, that may no longer be the case as of the end of WandaVision

Wanda has always been pretty powerful, as her abilities allow her to manipulate objects, pack a powerful punch, and even fly. Her powers grow substantially in WandaVision, though, as she comes to understand them much better. 

This is due in part to her conversations with the antagonist Agatha Harkness, a fellow witch who explains the Chaos Magic they both wield. At one point, Harkness even says that Wanda’s powers will surpass that of the Sorcerer Supreme. 

More than anything, though, we can see that the influence of the Darkhold is what is going to increase her powers exponentially. The book holds the power and knowledge of Chaos Magic, which means Wanda will know a lot more about how to use it moving forward. 

The post 5 Major Changes WandaVision has Set Up for MCU Phase 4 appeared first on Twinfinite.

Andrew McMahon
