5 Fortnite Concerts That Could Smash Travis Scott’s Viewing Records

4 years ago


If there’s one artist that immediately springs to mind when we’re talking about some kind of insane Fortnite event, it’s got to be Drake. The actor-turned-rapper is one of the biggest names in music right now and almost every single he releases turns out to be a grade-A bop.

So you can imagine fans’ excitement if Drizzy himself decided to drop into Fortnite for a quick gig. One Dance, God’s Plan, Passionfruit (yes, it’s a banger), In My Feelings and Toosie Slide is your setlist right there.

V-Bucks would rain down from the sky in homage to the God’s Plan video where Drake’s seen handing out stacks of cash to complete strangers.

Drake comes across as the kind of guy who never wants to be outdone, and with Travis Scott getting a whole lot of attention from his rather excellent Astronomical Fortnite event, we have a feeling Drizzy’s on the phone to Epic right now.

If there’s going to be one artist out there right now that can smash the record that Travis Scott’s Astronomical event set for concurrent players in Fortnite, there’s no doubt that it’d be Drake, and we imagine Epic and the rapper himself would be all about seeing how high they can push that number.

The post 5 Fortnite Concerts That Could Smash Travis Scott’s Viewing Records appeared first on Twinfinite.

Chris Jecks
