5 Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC Ideas That Would Rake in the Bells for Nintendo

4 years 1 month ago

Familiar Faces

Animal Crossing New Horizons DLC

By this point, if you’re playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you’ve likely already realized that a number of iconic faces from the series haven’t made the cut this time. Crazy Redd, Brewster, Joan, Tortimer and Kapp’n all for one reason or another just haven’t shown up on Tom Nook’s deserted island getaway.

While some have naturally been replaced by their offspring in the case of Joan the Turnip Seller, others just haven’t made the cut for whatever reason.

This DLC would see the return of a handful of these creatures. Crazy Redd would stop by with his paintings and rare furniture, Brewster would set-up shop in the Museum basement, Blathers would extend the building to include a new Paintings wing, Tortimer could just rock up offering words of wisdom and cool furniture, and Joan… she could show up spontaneously to offer even better turnip prices than her successor Daisy Mae.

We wouldn’t anticipate this DLC to be paid, instead coming as part of a free seasonal update once Nintendo’s got the first few festive events out of the way. Is it likely? Probably not. Does that make us want this any less? Absolutely not.

The post 5 Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC Ideas That Would Rake in the Bells for Nintendo appeared first on Twinfinite.

Chris Jecks
