20 Best Anime Openings That You Should Never Skip

3 years 10 months ago

There’s a countless number of anime out there to take in, which means that there are infinitely more openings to watch. There are tons of great anime that deserve to be watched, but what about openings? Which anime openings are the best?

Heated debates between friends have often happened in search of the answer to that question. Quality of the shows aside, here are some of the best anime openings that you should never skip.

Cowboy Bebop – Tank! by Seatbelts

I’m sure that this one was expected, so here it is at the top of the list. Shinichiro Watanabe’s Cowboy Bebop has an opening that’s one of the most recognizable in all of anime, even if you haven’t seen the show.

The same goes for Watanabe’s Samurai Champloo as well, but this one won this time around.

The jazzy track makes for a catchy theme while the visuals keep your eyes glued to the screen with its colors, characters, and silhouettes. This opening is not one that’s likely to be skipped often, or at all.

Hopefully, the live-action version ends up using Tank! in one way or another so that fans can feel that sweet, sweet nostalgia.

The post 20 Best Anime Openings That You Should Never Skip appeared first on Twinfinite.

Ethan Anderson
