10 Ways Hogwarts Legacy Lets You Live Out Your Wizarding Fantasies

1 year 2 months ago

Harry Potter fans had been waiting for a game that could fulfill their dreams of exploring the wizarding world, and their wishes were finally answered in the form of Hogwarts Legacy. The game has tried its best to be faithful to the novels and movies by bringing many vital aspects of the series to life. Although the title has done many great things, here are the top 10 ways Hogwarts Legacy lets you live out your wizarding fantasies.

Exploring Hogwarts

Hogwarts Legacy The Great Hall.
Image Credit: Avalanche Software via Twinfinite

Being able to walk through the halls of Hogwarts is a dream that many Harry Potter fans may have, and bringing this iconic setting into a game is no small feat. Many things could go wrong during the process, but thankfully, Hogwarts Legacy is able to recreate this magical school faithfully.

The developer has added a chock-full of details to Hogwarts Castle, ensuring each building section is unique. You can clearly feel the magic permeating the air and the walls as you roam the magical school. Some portraits will chatter at you as you walk past, and you may even encounter several ghosts floating through the hallways.

One funny event you may also witness during your stroll at Hogwarts is a fight between two suits of armor, where one of them will suddenly raise its weapon and beat its companion into pieces out of frustration. Sadly, you can’t fix the broken suit with a Reparo spell, and it can only lay whimpering on the ground.

Attending Magical Classes

Hogwarts Legacy Divination Class
Image Credit: Avalanche Software via Twinfinite

As a student at Hogwarts, you can take various magical classes that can teach you numerous useful charms for your journey. The game will give you several missions where you can attend these lessons and meet your new classmates.

There will be cutscenes showing you and your fellow students learning when you arrive at the classroom, and sometimes, you may even get short Quick Time Events where your character performs class activities. For example, during the Herbology class, Professor Garlick will ask you to move a Mandrake into a new pot, and you will have to press several buttons to accomplish this feat.

You can take these classes whenever you wish during your playthrough because there is no fixed and rigid schedule that you must follow. Although most of the classes are short, they give you a taste of what it feels like to study at Hogwarts. You may even experience how Harry may feel during a History class with Professor Binns.


Hogwarts Legacy Broom.
Image Credit: Avalanche Software via Twinfinite

Although there is no playable Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy, flying is still allowed by Headmaster Black. It will take several hours into the game before you can obtain your first broomstick and take flight into the sky. You need to purchase your own broom at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, but unfortunately, you can’t buy the iconic Firebolt since it hasn’t been created yet.

The flying mechanic feels responsive and allows you to zoom past large swaths of land like a snitch. If a broom is not cool enough for you, you can also unlock other Aerial mounts, like a Hippogriff named Highwing, who can run on the ground and fly in the air.

Gabriela Jessica
