10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Skyrim

1 year 9 months ago

It’s hard to get any more iconic than Bethesda’s legendary power fantasy, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Released back in 2011 to a slew of positive reviews, the open-world epic sent shockwaves through the industry as gamers around the globe fell head over heels in love as if Cupid himself had unleashed a well-aimed arrow directly into their heart (or should I say knee — sorry, I’ll get my coat).

Even though we’re almost twelve years out from its original release, Skyrim still remains hugely popular thanks to how deeply immersive and replayable it is. If you’re here, you’re probably in want of a few factoids about Bethesda’s beloved RPG. So, without further ado, here are ten things you (probably) didn’t know about Skyrim. Let’s get started, shall we?

You Can Scale Some of the Mountain Peaks and Unlock Secret Fast Travel Locations

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Skyrim

Image Source: Bethesda Game Studios

Did you know that some of the super tall mountains in Skyrim can be scaled? And if you manage to make your way to the top of them, you’ll even be gifted with a secret fast travel location?

That’s right, there are four hidden peaks that can de discovered in Solstheim — Mount Moesring, Frykte Peak, Hvitkald Peak, and Mortrag Peak — and if you reach the summit of each respective mountaintop, you’ll be rewarded with a special map marker, which you can use to fast travel to and from. Pretty cool touch, right? The only rub is you’ll need to have the Dragonborn DLC installed to access the area.

So, what are you waiting for? Last one to the top’s a rotten dragon’s egg!

Super Mario’s Original Voice Actor Did the Voice for Paarthurnax the Dragon

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Skyrim

Image Source: Reddit

Wa-hoo! Yes, Charles Martinet — the original voice actor behind the one and only Super Mario — did the voice acting for Paarthurnax the dragon. For those who may not remember, this ancient winged reptile is the wise leader of the Greybeards who makes his home at the top of the Throat of the World.

Unfortunately, those hoping for a “It’s a-me, Paarthurnax!” will sorely be disappointed, though, as this dragon is obviously nothing like the iconic moustachioed plumber that we all know and love. What a missed opportunity, Bethesda!

Skyrim Has Its Own Choose Your Own Adventure Books Hidden Inside the Game

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Skyrim

Kolb and the Dragon
Image Source: Bethesda Game Studios (via Nexus Mods)

If you were ever obsessed with Choose Your Own Adventure books growing up, you’re instantly a friend of mine. Yes, the interactive stories from our youth, which saw you turning from page to page to make your way through an epic quest or a mysterious murder mystery, have somehow made their way into Bethesda’s open-world RPG.

Specifically, if you get your mitts on Kolb And The Dragon, you’ll find a classic Choose Your Own Adventure-style book which pits you against a fire-breathing behemoth. Beware, though, it’s tough as ol’ ebony boots. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Skyrim Features Over 70 Voice Actors And 60,000 Lines of Dialogue

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Skyrim

Image Source: Bethesda Game Studios

One of the major criticisms leveled at The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was that almost every character sounded identical due to the small pool of voice actors Bethesda employed. Sure, while Skyrim’s predecessor had some real star talent with Star Trek’s Patrick Stewart and Game of Thrones’ Sean Bean lending their iconic voices to their roles, the fact that there were only around 20 voice actors made the epic scope of Oblivion feel much smaller.

As a result, the Maryland-based studio made an effort to circumvent the same issue by hiring almost four times as many voice actors as its 2006 forebear, while also expanding the breadth of the script significantly. The end result? The more diverse cast led to a far more epic-feeling adventure. Kudos, Bethesda!

Dylan Chaundy
