10 Ninja Who Deserve to Be Playable in Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections

1 year ago

Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections is the latest upcoming video game for the Naruto franchise, which has gained much hype for including a more extensive roster than previous Ninja Storm titles. We’ve taken this opportunity to review the rosters of playable ninja in these previous titles and identify a list of shinobi individuals who we think deserve a spot in Connections’ expanded roster. In no particular order, here are 10 ninja who deserve to be playable in Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections.

Anko Mitarashi

Anko Mitarashi in Naruto
Image Source: Studio Pierrot

Anko has always been one of the most interesting and popular side characters in the Naruto Franchise. She’s a powerful, badass Jonin who has some very dark history with Orochimaru, and she played a key role during the Chunin Exams. It would be really cool to have a female Snake Jutsu user in the Ninja Storm games, and considering Anko’s strong involvement with the Konoha Genin and their journey to becoming the next generation of Shinobi, it’s disappointing to see her put on the sidelines with every Ninja Storm game that releases. Please Ninja Storm connections, just give Anko a chance to shine again. It’s all I want.

Kurenai Yuhi

Kurenai Yuhi in Naruto
Image Source: Studio Pierrot

Kurenai has a bit of a tragic tale regarding her role in Naruto. She’s most significantly remembered for trying to go up against Itachi Uchiha and failing miserably. While this was an awkward moment to watch unfold, many fans failed to remember that Kurenai was a high-leveled, Jonin rank Kunoichi and was the most powerful Genjutsu user in the Hidden Leaf at the Time. It’s a shame that her biggest fight was against the ridiculously strong Itachi Uchiha and that she never got an opportunity to show off her abilities elsewhere, minus a couple of insignificant filler episodes.

After doing her so dirty in her fights on-screen, the least the Naruto franchise could do is let us live out our own fights with her in-game, right? It’s what Kurenai deserves, especially since she is the only Genin Team Sensei to be absent as playable in the Ninja Storm games.

Inoichi / Shikaku / Choza (Old Ino-Shika-Cho)

Choza, Shikaku and Inoichi in Naruto
Image Source: Studio Pierrot

If there’s one thing most Naruto fans can agree on, it’s their love and respect for the old Ino-Shika-Cho team, fathers of our beloved Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimich. Choza, Shikaku, and Inoichi were some of the most beloved side characters in the entire Naruto storyline as strong and intelligent shinobi, responsible individuals who cared deeply for their children and the Hidden Leaf, and brave and selfless ninja until the very end.

With Shikaku and Inoichi passing in the Great Ninja War, including them as playable heroes in Ninja Storm Connections would be a brilliant way to honor them. Plus, there’d be endless fun in potential sparring matches against each other or even against their children with Free Battle against a friend or CPU.


Ibiki in Naruto
Image Source: Studio Pierrot

Few Shinobi are as tough as Ibiki, the scarred-up master of interrogation. Ibiki was one of the most important behind-the-scenes ninja during the plot of Naruto, and was the one responsible for interrogating and torturing hostile individuals to the Leaf — yikes!

Ibiki has always been referred to as extremely strong-willed, and a force to be reckoned with. He has intriguing mind-oriented Jutsu that could make for a really unique playable character in-game, and he’s since stepped into the role as a Jonin Sensei of Team 40 in Boruto, which makes him even more deserving of a spot on the Ninja Storm Connections rosteer.

Grace Black
