10 Diabolical Questions We Still Have After The Boys Season 3

1 year 10 months ago

The Boys Season 3 has sadly come to a close. As with the first two seasons, this is a show that manages to combine the superhero genre with excellent commentary about fame and power and how that affects those with it and those at the mercy of those with it.

The Boys offers many different plotlines, most of which are still open as the show has been renewed for a fourth season. This opens the door to many questions for the series going forward. So, without further ado, here are the 10 questions we have after watching The Boys Season 3.

***Warning: Spoilers below for all the way up to the end of The Boys Season 3 below. Read at your own risk.***

How Will the Rest of the World React to What Homelander Did?

10 Questions We Have After The Boys Season 3

Image Source: Amazon Prime Video

The biggest and most pressing issue is what occurs in the season finale’s final moments. In a scene that mimics the Jan. 6 Senate attack, we see Homelander introduce his son, Ryan, to a crowd of pro-Homelander and pro-Stormfront rioters. Then, a pro-Starlight man shows up and throws something at the two Supes, hitting Ryan, which causes Homelander to use his laser eyes on the man, blowing up his head in front of the crowd.

Now that Homelander’s murderous tendencies are public, how will the rest of the world react? Especially those not already biased towards Homelander. Also, how will Vought react?

Vought’s shares had decreased exponentially with just Homelander’s admissions on tape. So how will this impact investors and Vought stocks?

This is a significant change coming into next season as people have had plausible deniability with their love of Homelander. Still, now there is definitive proof of how messed up Homelander truly is.

Will Ryan Become Just Like Homelander?

10 Questions We Have After The Boys Season 3

Image Source: Amazon Prime Video

Juxtaposing the Season 2 finale where Ryan is with Butcher, the Season 3 finale sees him with Homelander. Homelander, a grown man who acts like a little kid and is the most powerful being in the world, is now raising the kid who is probably the second most powerful being after him.

And if Homelander having Ryan isn’t terrifying enough, the final shot shows that Ryan is happy about the newfound freedom that his dad seems to be giving him. While Butcher has pushed Ryan away, blaming him for Becca’s death, Homelander is telling Ryan it’s not his fault and that people like them tend to hurt those they love.

Homelander is being the better father to Ryan, causing him to turn towards his father. I mean, what kid doesn’t want to hear from their parents that what they did isn’t their fault? And with Homelander signaling to the boy that they can do whatever they want, he will get to live out the dream of being able to do whatever he wants with seemingly no consequences.

This is quite the turn for Ryan though, as he has been shown to be empathetic in the past, thanks to his mother, so, likely, the kid won’t completely turn to the dark side, at least not right away. The struggle between how his mom raised him and how his dad wants to raise him will likely be explored in Season 4.

How Will Todd’s Obsession With Homelander Affect M.M. and Janine?

10 Questions We Have After The Boys Season 3

Image Source: Amazon Prime Video

This season, a big part of Mother’s Milk’s storyline was about his relationship with his daughter Janine and how her new stepfather, Todd, was spouting pro-superhero propaganda to her. At the end of the season, we see M.M. finally reveal the truth of his grandfather’s passing to Janine, to which she shows remarkable strength and empathy.

However, we then see Todd in the final scene of the season, cheering on Homelander after he murders the pro-Starlight man. It was possible to give Todd the benefit of the doubt as he wasn’t as aware of the murderous capabilities of superheroes as M.M. was, but now he is.

And he is the first one to cheer on the murder, so this is clearly not a suitable environment for Janine and a situation that M.M. will hopefully be able to rectify. It’ll also be interesting to see how M.M.’s ex-wife Janine reacts to the situation, hopefully seeing that Todd is not the man she should want Janine around.

Is Butcher Really Going to Die?

10 Questions We Have After The Boys Season 3

Image Source: Amazon Prime Video

In the fight against Payback and Vought, Maeve brought Butcher some doses of Temp V in order to hopefully level the playing field. In Episode 7, Annie then discovered that taking 3-5 doses of Temp V will kill the user which, by the season’s end, Butcher has used at least six times. So, Butcher is dying; that much is clear, but if the show plans to have more than just a fourth season and have Butcher be a part of it, they will need to give us some reasonable explanations as to why Butcher does not die.

The most probable explanation is that perhaps Butcher will take Compound V in order to become a permanent Supe and survive his illness. Whether or not this would be willing or unwilling, as he hates Supes, would be intriguing. It would be fascinating to see someone who hates Supes so much become a permanent one and how exactly someone with that viewpoint reconciles with becoming what he hates. It seems like a natural progression for the character, but at this point, we have to wait and see, for it may not come to pass, especially if Butcher dies due to his overuse of Temp V.

Joel Tapia
