A Total War Saga: Troy’s Mythos DLC will let you pet the hellhound

2 years 9 months ago

A Total War Saga: Troy’s upcoming DLC Mythos fills the historical battle sim with fantastical beasts. One of those, Cerberus, is the tri-headed guard dog of Hades. It’s a creature so intimately entwined with death that it draws strength from souls wrenched from their bodies during battle. He can summon shades, filling his army with the walking dead. His roars are known to cause armies to retreat in chaos. But he’s still a good boy, and will roll over and let you pet him.

If there’s any justice in the world, it’ll also have some sort of effect in the game. There are two other incredible beats to hunt down in Mythos, but there’s no yet on whether or not you can boop the Hydra’s snoot, and no information on if you can stroke the Griffin’s beak.

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Craig Pearson