Total War: Pharaoh's High Tides update, previously a paid DLC pack, will release for free on Jan 25th

3 months 4 weeks ago

Back in December, Creative Assembly posted a lengthy apology to players for their recent handling of the Total War strategy series, in particular Total War: Warhammer 3 and Total War: Pharoah. Seeking to smooth down feathers ruffled by overpricing and buggy launches, to pick out two of the biggest fan complaints, the developers offered to - amongst other things - make Pharoah’s first paid DLC pack a free update.

That free update is now upon us, miladies and milords. Available January 25th, it's called High Tides, and introduces two new playable factions with their own units and gods and some additional campaign mechanics. Here’s a trailer.

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Edwin Evans-Thirlwell