The ten-minute indie games of the 10mg collection reviewed in ten minutes each

3 years 7 months ago

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Here’s a free tip for you, if you keep fish – you’re probably feeding them too much. Small fish, like guppies and tetras, might have big appetites, but they only have little tummies, so they prefer to eat little and often. Now: what if… video games?.

There is a new indie dev collective called 10mg – named, I assume, after a small amount of… some drugs? – and they have today released a collection of ten games, each taking around ten minutes to play, and available as a collection on Steam for ten quid. Our Nat wrote about them at the top of the month, and in the words of 10mg themselves, “at worst, they waste 10 minutes of your time on a buck-wild idea that didn’t pan out. At best, they provide you with 10 minutes that you’ll reflect on for 10 years”. I am intrigued. So here’s the plan: I’m going to review them all in one sitting, right now. I’ll take ten minutes for each one, and then a further ten minutes to write as much review as I can, potentially with a very abrupt finish. I’ve got a stopwatch and everything. Ready? Let’s begin.


Nate Crowley