Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin blends Nioh's combat with Assassin's Creed-style exploration

4 months 3 weeks ago

Well look at that, a new trailer for Rise of the Rōnin - the fancy samurai action-RPG from Ninja Gaiden household Team Ninja. Set in 19th century Japan's Bakumatsu era, the game is a mixture of open-ended exploration, sneaking and agile traversal that puts me heavily in mind of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series. Unlike most Assassin's Creeds, however, this one has a pretty in-depth, rigorous melee combat system, with bosses that look like they're going to grind my gears no end. Will it be as vicious as Nioh 2? I'd better start stocking up on comfort food.

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Edwin Evans-Thirlwell