Supporter podcast - The Nate Files episode 5: the big flaps of speculative biology

2 years 4 months ago

Needs must, gentle friends, needs must, and in particular I need to once more head into the dank and dreary evidence basement of the RPS treehouse. Here, at the behest of our very kind supporters, I must navigate a strange maze of specimen tanks, suggestions of whiskers, tentacles and odd wings occasionally stirring behind the glass as I pass. Eventually I will reach a row of grey filing cabinets, locate the right drawer, and tug it open, the scream of rusted metal echoing through the dark room.

I will spend some time rifling through the papers within, growing more and more frantic as I hear the slow tread of heavy footsteps approaching. I must find the right file, but also I must escape in time! I haven't been caught yet. Today I escaped with the fifth episode of The Nate Files supporters-only podcast. It's about speculative biology. Oh no.

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Alice Bell