Preview: Empire Of Sin is a seamless blend of four different gangster games

3 years 5 months ago

A well-dressed man with an astonishing moustache sits in a dimly-lit room; he is, I suspect, an emperor of sin.

There are two, pretty obvious, factors by which I judge strategy games: how immediately satisfying they are to play, and how well that satisfaction holds up in the long run. Success in the first respect is often a trade-off for success in the second, as the things that dazzle on day one become dulled by the cumulative effect of small design problems. It’s hard, then, to take the measure of a big ol’ strategy game during a limited preview play session.

But after just a day with it, I have high hopes that Empire Of Sin, the extraordinary prohibition gangster simulation coming from Romero Games on December 1, is going to hit the big time on both fronts.


Nate Crowley