Paradise Killer's OST is the sound of the summer

3 years 8 months ago

A screenshot from Paradise Killer showing a strange 2D drawn figure against a 3D world. They appear to be feminine, and are wearing a black catsuit and a golden skull mask. Circles of pink light, resembling circles for some unknown arcane ritual, fill the air around them. I am choosing to use this screenshot to represent cool music, so make of that what you will.

My word, does Paradise Killer ooze style. As “investigation freak” Lady Love Dies, you’re thrust into an open-world murder mystery on a tropical island. And not just any island, but one dipped in a radioactive vat of vaporwave punch. This isn’t a gaudy Hawaii after a few bevvies, though, oh no – this is a colourful, crisp Hawaii best served with headphones. Or even better, a subwoofer so expansive it could double as a desk, because I cannot not stop listening to the soundtrack.


Ed Thorn