Overwatch's 3-2-1 experiment is finished and I'm glad to be rid of it

4 years 2 months ago

Overwatch‘s very first Experimental game mode has come to an end. Over the last week, the game featured a Triple Damage mode as a way for Blizzard to test how they could reduce queue times for folks who want to play damage heroes.

For starters, what a great feature the Experimental card is! It’s a lot more accessible than the Player Test Realm (PTR), which requires downloading an entirely different version of the game. Having a quick new limited mode to try out for a week is a nice way to keep the game feeling fresh too, and letting players participate in something that will likely help Overwatch improve in the future is a great way to get the community more involved.

For seconds, oh my god please don’t bring Triple Damage into the live game.


Imogen Beckhelling