New Elden Ring update patches Easy Anti-Cheat as rumoured Shadow of Erdtree release date approaches

4 months ago

A new Elden Ring update has patched the game's Easy Anti-Cheat to support a recent SteamOS update, as detailed on publisher Bandai Namco's official site. It's good news for people playing the FromSoftware RPG on Steam Decks, especially those haunted by memories of the game's technical tribulations at launch, some of which were caused by the anti-cheat functionality. It's less great news for the millions hankering for the slightest whisper of new information about Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. But save your pity, above all, for the dozens of videogame news writers - dozens, I tell you! - who must write about Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC at any opportunity, lest the demigods of traffic eat our souls.

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Edwin Evans-Thirlwell