Menu New Game+ is a game of fake menus that makes infinite RimWorld patch notes

3 years 6 months ago

A screenshot of the fake game Jitterbug, showing a small beetle that has just turned bright blue. The text says 'JITTERBUG uses over 15 unique shell colours'.

I recently talked to a group of people who were unfamiliar with games, about what games are. It’s always a bit weird doing that, because the answer is often “I mean, IDK. What are ‘sports’? Now please don’t ask me if they’re art.” See also: when is a door not a door?

As ever, though, weird indie games provide the answer to most questions, if you look hard enough. In this case, I’m talking about Menu New Game+, available to fiddle with for free on When is a game not a game? When it’s a series of start menus for games that don’t even exist! Ha! Take that, films, you can never be as much art as that because you’re not interactive and therefore can never be quite as meta.


Alice Bell