Making fake CSGO cheats that sabotage would-be cheaters is an amazing idea

3 years 8 months ago

Only cheaters use scopes anyway in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

The war between cheaters and anti-cheat technology might be endless, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with it. I’m delighted to learn about the work of “ScriptKid”, a fella who releases fake cheats that actually sabotage games for would-be cheaters. Wrong’uns go to Google looking for free cheats, find the fake cheat site he’s set up, download and run his fake cheats, then… find they’re forced to jump off buildings to their death in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, or their movement keys screw up, or their gun stops working, or worse. He uploads videos of would-be cheaters getting pranked, and it’s quite cathartic to watch.


Alice O'Connor