KnifePlayground is an Unreal horror royale with bodycam combat, demon clowns and a shapeshifting mansion

5 months 1 week ago

Let's get this out of the way first: KnifePlayground: Horror Battle Royale is an absolutely terrible name for game. You might as well call Halo "GunMap: Alien Crowd Control", or Baldur's Gate 3 "TownDungeon: Party Enhancement Simulator". But the project beneath the moniker has something to it. Announced just today and created by small Brazilian team MadMozer, it's a first-person, multiplayer-focussed, Unreal Engine deathgame that traps you in a randomly generated mansion with a bunch of archetypal horror movie munsters - demon clowns, cursed puppets, toothy ghouls and hooded axe-murderers.

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Edwin Evans-Thirlwell