Haven review

3 years 5 months ago

Haven protagonists Kay and Yu lie in bed facing each other, all snuggled up in the pillows

You’re supposed to put the genre in the introduction, but then you’re also supposed to write an introduction in the first place, and not a load of delaying tactics where you bang on about the vagueness of genres and how Haven is a hybrid of at least two of them anyway. You spend most of it skate-gliding around a 3D world, some of it fighting corrupted animals, and some of it in visual novel type sections that bring me to the plot and this paragraph to a merciful end.

Kay and Yu, a couple destined for a lifetime of Abbott and Costello routines, have fled a society that does not approve of their relationship, and hidden themselves away on Source, a floating archipelago that vaguely forms a planet. The End.

Oh no!


Sin Vega