Have You Played... Life Is Strange 2?

1 year 3 months ago

I've come to regard the four main games in the Life Is Strange franchise as kind of like the siblings in a big family. There's the eldest, who will always be heaped with praise because no matter what the others achieve, she did it all first. Her twin is always keen to remind you that even though she's the younger and perhaps not quite as accomplished half of the duo, she's more charismatic and less coy about who she is and what she wants. Then there's the youngest, who's extremely likeable, in large part because she's learned what behaviours to avoid just by watching the others make mistakes; even if she's modelled herself on the eldest a bit too closely in her quest for approval, and so hasn't really forged her own identity.

Then there's Life Is Strange 2: the awkward middle child. Still very recognisably a member of the family, but the one that stands out in all the photos because he's just a bit gawky. He's experimented a lot with his storytelling and plotline in an attempt to make himself stand out, and it's only sort-of worked. His romantic subplots are underdeveloped, his villains are one-dimensional, and his attempt at tackling a Very Serious Issue has grown in all crooked.

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Rebecca Jones