Going Medieval is a RimWorld clone - with one brilliant, game-changing difference

2 years 11 months ago

It’s funny, isn’t it, the things which make you fall in love with a game? I’d first heard of early access colony sim Going Medieval two years ago, at the very start of its development. It looked promising enough, for sure. But pre-alpha colony sims are like the planktonic larvae of crabs - there’s millions of them, and most of them get eaten by fish, so I don’t tend to pay attention to them until they’re big enough to nip my fingers.

Even when Going Medieval did scuttle into early access at the start of the month, I have to say it seemed a blunt-clawed specimen. It was the same as RimWorld, basically. As in, identical, save for a medieval setting and a ton of missing features. After a moment or two to get used to the UI, I was playing my first game on autopilot, and all it really did for me was make me want to play RimWorld. And then I discovered the wooden beam.

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Nate Crowley