Clanfolk early access review: a settlement sim that's a little too familiar

1 year 9 months ago

Jonat is wandering around in the pitch black while everyone sleeps, even though he is: a) afraid of the dark, and b) a baby. This here is Clanfolk, a settlement sim about a family of Scottish tamagotchis. The first thing you'll be screaming at me, as if I have not noticed, is how recognisably Rimworldy it looks. You're right. Considering RimWorld cribbed plenty of its own notes from Dwarf Fortress and Prison Architect, it might feel incongruous to criticise Clanfolk for clinging too tightly to the hem of its inspiration. Sadly, it's true. It is a drier, slower and more bucolic take on the exact same game.

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Brendan Caldwell