Bug-splatting in the Starship Troopers RTS demo is harder than you'd think

2 years 7 months ago

People get well into Starship Troopers, don't they? Back in the before times when I was a teen, a friend of mine went to uni and formed a terrible metal band, and one of their songs was about Starship Troopers (I believe it included shouting "Roughnecks! Ho!" a lot). And don't get me wrong: the 90s action-schlock film adaptation is very good. Replaceable cannon-fodder marines pumping bullets into giant skittering aliens, bombastic Join The Army And Die!! propaganda - It's good stuff. And perfect grist for the RTS game mill! Hence you can play the demo for Starship Troopers - Terran Command right now, in the Steam Next Fest.

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Alice Bell