The best game you missed in January 2020: Sands Of Salzaar

3 years 4 months ago

A screenshot of the Sands Of Salzaar character creator, showing a smiling, handsome man with his hair in a large, feathered ponytail. He has a black beard, and is holding a sword - clearly a warrior.

Good things, they say, come to those who wait. Like clichés in the first sentence of an article, this is often a load of toss, but a stopped clock is (“That’s enough of that, thanks.” – Ed).

Sands Of Salzaar leapt into Early Access this January, its huge success in China prompting promises of an English translation soon. But 2020 did a lot of things to the word “soon”, so we’ll forgive them for delaying that translation. Besides, it was worth the wait. Sands is a superb game that blends the hack and slash chaos of Dynasty Warriors with the open world RPG skirmishes of Mount & Blade.


Sin Vega